Br1xton Combat Warriors Script
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Script Code
--[[stfu with that discord link @bossman also this is for people that uses anti ip logger ]] local Framework = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local Watermark = Framework:CreateWatermark("Br1xton V.1 | {game} | {fps}") local WriteLine = Framework:CreateWindow("Br1xton (Paid)",, 588), Enum.KeyCode.RightControl) local ESPSettings = { PlayerESP = { Enabled = false, TracersOn = false, BoxesOn = false, NamesOn = false, DistanceOn = false, HealthOn = false, ToolOn = false, FaceCamOn = false, Distance = 2000 }, ScrapESP = { Enabled = false, Distance = 2000, LegendaryOnly = true, RareOnly = true, GoodOnly = true, BadOnly = true }, SafeESP = { Enabled = false, Distance = 2000, BigOnly = true, SmallOnly = true }, RegisterESP = { Enabled = false, Distance = 2000 }, ESPColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), ToolColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}; local ESPFramework = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))() local General = WriteLine:CreateTab("Main") local Main4 = General:CreateSector("cant u see", "left") local Main2 = General:CreateSector("nigger beat", "right") local Main6 = General:CreateSector("Settings", "right") General:CreateConfigSystem("left") -->> Silent Aim [Section 1 - Tab 1] local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local Players = game:GetService("Players") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local RenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local chr = LocalPlayer.Character local hum = chr:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local game = game; local GetService = game.GetService; local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local RenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped local Workspace = GetService(game, "Workspace"); local Players = GetService(game, "Players"); local ReplicatedStorage = GetService(game, "ReplicatedStorage"); local StarterGui = GetService(game, "StarterGui"); local resume = coroutine.resume local create = coroutine.create local LogService = GetService(game, "LogService"); local HttpService = GetService(game, "HttpService"); local ScriptContext = GetService(game, "ScriptContext"); local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Request = http_request or request or HttpPost or syn.request local Player = Players.LocalPlayer; local Character = Player.Character; local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local Cam = workspace.CurrentCamera; local WorldToScreen = Cam.WorldToScreenPoint local WorldToViewportPoint = Cam.WorldToViewportPoint local GetPartsObscuringTarget = Cam.GetPartsObscuringTarget local SilentSettings = { Main = { Enabled = false, TeamCheck = false, VisibleCheck = false, TargetPart = "Head" }, FOVSettings = { Visible = false, Radius = 120 } }; local ValidTargetParts = {"Head", "Torso"}; local RequiredArgs = { ArgCountRequired = 3, Args = { "Instance", "Vector3", "Vector3", "RaycastParams" } } local fov_circle ="Circle") fov_circle.Thickness = 1 fov_circle.NumSides = 100 fov_circle.Radius = 120 fov_circle.Filled = false fov_circle.Visible = false fov_circle.ZIndex = 999 fov_circle.Transparency = 1 fov_circle.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255 ,255) local function GetPositionOnScreen(Vector) local Vec3, OnScreen = WorldToScreen(Cam, Vector) return, Vec3.Y), OnScreen end local function ValidateArguments(Args, RayMethod) local Matches = 0 if #Args < RayMethod.ArgCountRequired then return false end for Pos, Argument in next, Args do if typeof(Argument) == RayMethod.Args[Pos] then Matches = Matches + 1 end end return Matches >= RayMethod.ArgCountRequired end local function GetDirection(Origin, Position) return (Position - Origin).Unit * 1000 end local function GetMousePosition() return, Mouse.Y) end local function GetClosestPlayer() if not SilentSettings.Main.TargetPart then return end local Closest local DistanceToMouse for _, v in next, game.GetChildren(Players) do if v == Player then continue end if SilentSettings.Main.TeamCheck and v.Team == Player.Team then continue end local Character = v.Character if not Character then continue end local HumanoidRootPart = game.FindFirstChild(Character, "HumanoidRootPart") local Humanoid = game.FindFirstChild(Character, "Humanoid") if not HumanoidRootPart or not Humanoid or Humanoid and Humanoid.Health <= 0 then continue end local ScreenPosition, OnScreen = GetPositionOnScreen(HumanoidRootPart.Position) if not OnScreen then continue end local Distance = (GetMousePosition() - ScreenPosition).Magnitude if Distance <= (DistanceToMouse or (SilentSettings.Main.Enabled and SilentSettings.FOVSettings.Radius) or 2000) then Closest = ((SilentSettings.Main.TargetPart == "Random" and Character[ValidTargetParts[math.random(1, #ValidTargetParts)]]) or Character[SilentSettings.Main.TargetPart]) DistanceToMouse = Distance end end return Closest end local oldNamecall oldNamecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(...) local Method = getnamecallmethod() local Arguments = {...} local self = Arguments[1] if SilentSettings.Main.Enabled and self == workspace then if ValidateArguments(Arguments, RequiredArgs) then local A_Origin = Arguments[2] local HitPart = GetClosestPlayer() if HitPart then Arguments[3] = GetDirection(A_Origin, HitPart.Position) return oldNamecall(unpack(Arguments)) end end end return oldNamecall(...) end) resume(create(function() game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function() if SilentSettings.FOVSettings.Visible then fov_circle.Position = GetMousePosition() +, 36) end end) end)) local SaylintTogle = Main2:AddToggle("Enabled", false, function(v) SilentSettings.Main.Enabled = v end) Main2:AddDropdown("Hit Part", {"Head", "Torso", "Random"}, "Head", false, function(V) SilentSettings.Main.TargetPart = V end) local FovToggle = Main2:AddToggle("Fov Circle", false, function(v) SilentSettings.FOVSettings.Visible = v fov_circle.Visible = v end) local Slider1 = Main2:AddSlider("Fov Radius", 5, 5, 1000, 1, function(v) SilentSettings.FOVSettings.Radius = v fov_circle.Radius = v end) local Colorpicker1 = Main2:AddColorpicker("Fov Color",, 1, 1), function(v) fov_circle.Color = v end) Main4:AddToggle("Enable ESP", ESPSettings.PlayerESP.Enabled, function(v) ESPSettings.PlayerESP.Enabled = v ESPFramework.Color = ESPSettings.ESPColor ESPFramework.ToolColor = ESPSettings.ToolColor ESPFramework.Tracers = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.TracersOn ESPFramework.Names = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.NamesOn ESPFramework.Health = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.HealthOn ESPFramework.Distance = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.DistanceOn ESPFramework.Tool = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.ToolOn ESPFramework.Boxes = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.BoxesOn ESPFramework.FaceCamera = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.FaceCamOn ESPFramework:Toggle(ESPSettings.PlayerESP.Enabled) end, "PlayerESPsToggle") Main4:AddToggle("Face Camera", ESPSettings.PlayerESP.FaceCamOn, function(v) ESPSettings.PlayerESP.FaceCamOn = v ESPFramework.FaceCamera = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.FaceCamOn end) Main4:AddToggle("Box ESP", ESPSettings.PlayerESP.BoxesOn, function(v) ESPSettings.PlayerESP.BoxesOn = v ESPFramework.Boxes = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.BoxesOn end) Main4:AddToggle("Tracers ESP", ESPSettings.PlayerESP.TracersOn, function(v) ESPSettings.PlayerESP.TracersOn = v ESPFramework.Tracers = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.TracersOn end) Main4:AddToggle("Name ESP", ESPSettings.PlayerESP.NamesOn, function(v) ESPSettings.PlayerESP.NamesOn = v ESPFramework.Names = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.NamesOn end) Main4:AddToggle("Health ESP", ESPSettings.PlayerESP.HealthOn, function(v) ESPSettings.PlayerESP.HealthOn = v ESPFramework.Health = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.HealthOn end) Main4:AddToggle("Tool ESP", ESPSettings.PlayerESP.ToolOn, function(v) ESPSettings.PlayerESP.ToolOn = v ESPFramework.Tool = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.ToolOn end) Main4:AddToggle("Distance ESP", ESPSettings.PlayerESP.DistanceOn, function(v) ESPSettings.PlayerESP.DistanceOn = v ESPFramework.Distance = ESPSettings.PlayerESP.DistanceOn end) Main6:AddColorpicker("Main ESP", ESPFramework.Color, function(V) ESPFramework.Color = V ESPSettings.ESPColor = V end) Main6:AddColorpicker("Tool ESP", ESPFramework.ToolColor, function(V) ESPFramework.ToolColor = V ESPSettings.ToolColor = V end) Main6:AddColorpicker("Health ESP", ESPFramework.HealthColor, function(V) ESPFramework.HealthColor = V ESPSettings.HealthColor = V end) Main6:AddColorpicker("Distance ESP", ESPFramework.DistanceColor, function(V) ESPFramework.DistanceColor = V ESPSettings.DistanceColor = V end) Main6:AddSeperator("UI Settings") Main6:AddColorpicker("Accent 1", Framework.theme.accentcolor, function(V) Framework.theme.accentcolor = V end) Main6:AddColorpicker("Accent 2", Framework.theme.accentcolor2, function(V) Framework.theme.accentcolor2 = V end)