Magnets Hoopz Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts—a popular scripting and programming language.
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Script Code
local reset = false pcall(function() if _G.stepped then reset = true _G.stepped:Disconnect() _G.input:Disconnect() _G.charAdded:Disconnect() _G.charAdded = nil _G.stepped = nil _G.input = nil print("RESET") end if not reset then print("LOADED") end end) local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService") local rs = game:GetService("RunService") local lib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))() local window = lib:MakeWindow({Name = "Magnet's Hoopz UI"}) local main = window:MakeTab({Name = "Main"}) main:AddToggle({Name = "Aimbot", Default = false, Callback = function(v) _G.Aimbot = v end}) main:AddToggle({Name = "Reach", Default = false, Callback = function(v) _G.Reach = v end}) main:AddToggle({Name = "AutoGaurd/Defend", default = false, Callback = function(v) if v then game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "AutoGaurd/Defend", Text = "Press U to go to the nearest ball", Duration = 5, Button1 = "Okay"}) end _G.Autogaurd = v end}) main:AddSlider({Name = "WalkSpeed", Min = 16, Max = 19, Default = 16, Color = Color3.fromRGB(80, 80, 255), Increment = 0.1, Callback = function(v) _G.WS = v end}) local shootingEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").shootingEvent if workspace:FindFirstChild("PracticeArea") then workspace.PracticeArea.Parent = workspace.Courts end local jumping = false for i,v in pairs(getconnections(game:GetService("UserInputService").TouchTapInWorld)) do for z,x in pairs(getupvalues(v.Function)) do if type(x) == "table" and rawget(x, 1) then _G.method = x elseif z == 10 then _G.key = x end end end for i,v in pairs(getconnections(plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Size"))) do v:Disable() end for i,v in pairs(getconnections(plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Color"))) do v:Disable() end for i,v in pairs(getconnections(plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart:GetPropertyChangedSignal("BrickColor"))) do v:Disable() end for i,v in pairs(getconnections(plr.Character.Humanoid:GetPropertyChangedSignal("WalkSpeed"))) do v:Disable() end local ground local part = workspace:FindPartOnRay(,, -100, 5))) if part then ground = part end local tracking = false local player function updateNearestPlayerWithBall() local dist = 9e9 for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v.Name ~= plr.Name and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") and not plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") and (plr.Character.Torso.Position - v.Character.Torso.Position).Magnitude < 50 then local mag = (plr.Character.Torso.Position - v.Character.Torso.Position).Magnitude if dist > mag then dist = mag player = v end end end end if _G.hook ~= nil then _G.hook = ""; _G.hook = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", newcclosure(function(self, idx) if tostring(self) == "HumanoidRootPart" and idx == "Size" then return, 2, 1) elseif tostring(self) == "HumanoidRootPart" and idx == "BrickColor" then return"Medium stone grey") elseif tostring(self) == "HumanoidRootPart" and idx == "Color" then return Color3.fromRGB(163, 162, 165) elseif tostring(self) == "Humanoid" and idx == "WalkSpeed" then return 16 end return hook(self, idx) end)) end shootingEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(newKey) _G.key = newKey end) function setup() local dist, goal = 9e9, nil for i,v in pairs(workspace.Courts:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == "Swish" and v:IsA("Sound") and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then local mag = (plr.Character.Torso.Position - v.Parent.Position).Magnitude if dist > mag then dist = mag; goal = v.Parent end end end return dist, goal end function power() return plr.Power end function changePower(goal) power().Value = goal end function table(a, b) local args = { X1 = a.X, Y1 = a.Y, Z1 = a.Z, X2 = b.X, Y2 = b.Y, Z2 = b.Z }; return {args[_G.method[1]], args[_G.method[2]], args[_G.method[3]], args[_G.method[4]], args[_G.method[5]], args[_G.method[6]]} end function arc() local dist, goal = setup() dist = math.floor(dist) print(dist) if dist == 12 or dist == 13 then return 15 elseif dist == 14 or dist == 15 then return 20 elseif dist == 16 or dist == 17 then return 15 elseif dist == 18 then return 25 elseif dist == 19 then return 20 elseif dist == 20 or dist == 21 then return 20 elseif dist == 22 or dist == 23 then return 25 elseif dist == 24 or dist == 25 then return 20 elseif dist == 26 then return 15 elseif dist == 27 or dist == 28 then return 25 elseif dist == 29 or dist == 30 then return 20 elseif dist == 31 then return 15 elseif dist == 32 or dist == 33 then return 30 elseif dist == 34 or dist == 35 or dist == 36 then return 25 elseif dist == 37 or dist == 38 then return 35 elseif dist == 39 or dist == 40 then return 30 elseif dist == 41 then return 25 elseif dist == 42 or dist == 43 then return 40 elseif dist == 44 then return 35 elseif dist == 45 or dist == 46 then return 30 elseif dist == 47 or dist == 48 then return 45 elseif dist == 49 then return 40 elseif dist == 50 then return 35 elseif dist == 51 then return 50 elseif dist == 52 then return 55 elseif dist == 53 or dist == 54 then return 50 elseif dist == 55 then return 45 elseif dist == 56 then return 40 elseif dist == 57 or dist == 58 then return 55 elseif dist == 59 or dist == 60 or dist == 61 then return 50 elseif dist == 62 or dist == 63 then return 65 elseif dist == 64 then return 55 elseif dist == 65 then return 60 elseif dist == 66 or dist == 67 then return 50 elseif dist == 68 or dist == 69 then return 75 elseif dist == 70 or dist == 71 then return 70 elseif dist == 72 then return 65 elseif dist == 73 then return 60 elseif dist == 74 then return 50 elseif jumping then if dist == 9 or dist == 10 then return 20 elseif dist == 11 or dist == 12 then return 15 end end end function getNearestPart(torso) local dist, part = 9e9 for i,v in pairs(plr.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") and torso then local mag = (v.Position - torso.Position).Magnitude if dist > mag then dist = mag part = v end end end return part end function stepped() pcall(function() if plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and _G.Aimbot then local pwr = power() local dist, goal = setup() local root = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart dist = math.floor(dist) if root and hasBall then root.Size =, 2.1, 1.1) root.BrickColor ="Lime green") root.Material = Enum.Material.Neon if dist >= 13 and dist <= 16 then changePower(30) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 17 and dist <= 21 then changePower(35) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 22 and dist <= 26 then changePower(40) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 27 and dist <= 31 then changePower(45) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 32 and dist <= 36 then changePower(50) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 37 and dist <= 41 then changePower(55) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 42 and dist <= 46 then changePower(60) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 47 and dist <= 50 then changePower(65) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 51 and dist <= 56 then changePower(70) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 57 and dist <= 61 then changePower(75) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 62 and dist <= 67 then changePower(80) root.Transparency = 0 elseif dist >= 68 and dist <= 74 then changePower(85) root.Transparency = 0 elseif jumping and dist == 9 or dist == 10 or dist == 11 or dist == 12 then changePower(25) root.Transparency = 0 else root.Transparency = 1 end elseif root and not hasBall and _G.Aimbot then root.Transparency = 1 elseif root and not _G.Aimbot then root.Transparency = 1 end end updateNearestPlayerWithBall() if _G.WS ~= 16 and plr.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed ~= 0 then plr.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = _G.WS end if _G.Autogaurd and tracking and player and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and not plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") then plr.Character.Humanoid:MoveTo(player.Character.Basketball:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part").Position + player.Character.Torso.CFrame.LookVector + ((player.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection * 2) + (plr.Character.Torso.Velocity.Unit * 3))) if (player.Character.Torso.Position.Y - ground.Position.Y) > 2.5 then plr.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true end elseif tracking and player ~= nil and player.Character and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") or not player.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") then tracking = false return end for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if (v.Name ~= plr.Name and v.Character and plr.Character) and _G.Reach then local nearestPart = getNearestPart(v.Character.Torso) for z,x in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren()) do if ((nearestPart.Position - v.Character.Torso.Position).Magnitude < 8) then if (x:IsA("Tool") or x:IsA("Folder")) then firetouchinterest(nearestPart, x:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part"), 0) task.wait() firetouchinterest(nearestPart, x:FindFirstChildOfClass("Part"), 1) elseif (x:IsA("BasePart") and string.find(x.Name:lower(), "ball")) then firetouchinterest(nearestPart, x, 0) task.wait() firetouchinterest(nearestPart, x, 1) end end end end end end) end function shoot() local dist, goal = setup() local pwr = power() local arc = arc() if arc ~= nil and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then local args = table(plr.Character.Torso.Position, (goal.Position +, arc, 0) - plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + plr.Character.Humanoid.MoveDirection).Unit) shootingEvent:FireServer( plr.Character.Basketball, pwr.Value, args, _G.key ) end end function jumped() if _G.Aimbot and plr.Character and hasBall and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Transparency == 0 then jumping = true task.wait(0.325) shoot() task.wait(0.1) jumping = false end end function added(v) if v.Name == "Basketball" then task.wait(0.5) hasBall = true end end function removed(v) if v.Name == "Basketball" then hasBall = false end end function began(key, gpe) if not gpe and key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.U and _G.Autogaurd then updateNearestPlayerWithBall() if not tracking then tracking = true else tracking = false end end end _G.input = plr.Character.Humanoid.Jumping:Connect(jumped) _G.added = plr.Character.ChildAdded:Connect(added) _G.removed = plr.Character.ChildRemoved:Connect(removed) _G.stepped = rs.Stepped:Connect(stepped) _G.began = uis.InputBegan:Connect(began) _G.charAdded = plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(ch) _G.input = ch:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Jumping:Connect(jumped) _G.added = ch.ChildAdded:Connect(added) _G.removed = ch.ChildRemoved:Connect(removed) for i,v in pairs(getconnections(ch:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):GetPropertyChangedSignal("Size"))) do v:Disable() end for i,v in pairs(getconnections(ch:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):GetPropertyChangedSignal("BrickColor"))) do v:Disable() end for i,v in pairs(getconnections(ch:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart"):GetPropertyChangedSignal("Color"))) do v:Disable() end for i,v in pairs(getconnections(ch:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):GetPropertyChangedSignal("WalkSpeed"))) do v:Disable() end end)