STRAWHUB Cobra Kai Karate Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts—a popular scripting and programming language.
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1.Open Roblox And Start Playing 2.Click The Blue Circle To Copy The Script Code 3.Paste The Script Code Into Your Executor 4.Then Execute The Script Code 5.Enjoy
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Script Code
local VLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() MAINTTL = "STRAW HUB" local win = VLib:Window("COBRA KAI", Color3.fromRGB(196, 40, 28)) local ss = win:Tab("MAIN") local sss = win:Tab("CREDITS") --ANTI AFK pcall(function() local VirtualUser=game:service'VirtualUser' game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function() warn("anti-afk") VirtualUser:CaptureController() VirtualUser:ClickButton2( end) end) --GLOBALS LP = game.Players.LocalPlayer VIM = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager") --MAIN SCRIPT ss:Toggle("Autofarm Bags",function(t) farm2 = t while farm2 do wait() pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Attack:FireServer(math.random(1,5)) for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").PunchingBag:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("MeshPart") then v.CFrame =, 17.7124176, 138.312851) game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =, 17.7124176, 140.618729) VIM:SendKeyEvent(true, Enum.KeyCode.A, false, game) end end end) end end) ss:Toggle("Autofarm Pushups",function(t) farm = t while farm do wait() pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.PushUp:FireServer() end) end end) ss:Toggle("Autofarm Situps",function(t) farm3 = t while farm3 do wait() pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.SitUp:FireServer() end) end end) ss:Button("NO STUN",function(t) LP.StatsFolder.Stunned:Destroy() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Stun:Destroy() end) ss:Button("HideName",function() LP.Character.Head.PlayerHeader:Destroy() end) ss:Button("Hide Accesory",function() ss:Button("Remove Accesory", function(t) local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer for i,v in pairs(player.Character:GetChildren()) do if v.ClassName == "Accessory" or v.Name == "Belt" or v.Name == "Shirt" or v.Name == "Pants" then v:Destroy() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer for i,v in pairs(player.Character.Head:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Decal") then v:remove() end end end end end) end) ss:Label("THE BOTTOM FEATURES ARE FOR PEOPLE WITH GAMEPASS") ss:Toggle("AutoClick Benchpress OP",function(t) bench = t while bench do wait() pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Bench:FireServer() end ) end end) ss:Toggle("AutoUse Dumbells",function(t) dumb = t while dumb do wait() pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Dumbell:FireServer("Equip") game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Dumbell:FireServer("Rep",math.random(1,2)) end) end end) ss:Button("Invite Everyone In Dojo",function() for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if v~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Invite:FireServer(v.Name) end end end) sss:Label("MADE BY VEP#1003") sss:Label("BUY STRAW HUB NOW") sss:Button("Copy Straw Hub Discord",function(t) setclipboard("") end)