Sypse Doors Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts—a popular scripting and programming language.
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Script Code
getgenv().ScriptVersion = 1; local games = { [2440500124] = {["Game"] = "Doors", ["State"] = true}; }; if (game.GameId == 2440500124 and games[game.GameId].State == true) then repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded() local Config = { WindowName = "Doors", Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0), Keybind = Enum.KeyCode.RightControl } local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local notifications = loadstring(game:HttpGet((""),true))() local Window = Library:CreateWindow(Config, game:GetService("CoreGui")) local Tab1 = Window:CreateTab("Main") local Tab3 = Window:CreateTab("UI Settings") local Main = Tab1:CreateSection("Main"); local ESP = Tab1:CreateSection("ESP"); local Visual = Tab1:CreateSection("Visual"); local Player = Tab1:CreateSection("Player"); local UI1 = Tab3:CreateSection("Menu"); local UI2 = Tab3:CreateSection("Background"); local lplr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer; local keyrange, leverrange, lockpickrange, bookrange, bandagerange, lighterrange, flashlightrange = 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 local bullshittable = {KeyObtain = {}, LeverForGate = {},LiveHintBook = {}} local prompttable = {"KeyObtain", "LeverForGate", "LiveHintBook",} task.spawn(function() game.Workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(v) if v:IsA("Model") then notifications:notify{ Title = "â ï¸Monster Spawnedâ ï¸", Description = v.Name.. " spawned!", Accept = { Text = "OK" }, Length = 5 } task.wait(5) end end) end) local function outline(dad) local esp ="Highlight") esp.Name = "Outline" esp.FillTransparency = 1 esp.FillColor =, 0.666667, 0) esp.OutlineColor =,0,0) esp.OutlineTransparency = 0 esp.Parent = dad end function getbullshit() local function getname(a) return bullshittable[a.Parent.Name] end local function checkifstillthere(a) for _,v in pairs(a) do if v.Parent == nil then table.remove(a, i) end end end while task.wait(1) do for _,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentRooms:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("ProximityPrompt") and table.find(prompttable, v.Parent.Name) then table.insert(getname(v), v) end end for _,v in pairs(bullshittable) do checkifstillthere(v) end end end coroutine.wrap(getbullshit)() Main:CreateSlider("Key Aura Range",0,15,keyrange,false, function(val) val = keyrange end) Main:CreateSlider("Lever Aura Range",0,15,leverrange,false, function(val) val = leverrange end) Main:CreateSlider("Book Aura Range",0,15,bookrange,false, function(val) val = bookrange end) local pickupaura Main:CreateToggle("Key Aura", false, function(val) pickupaura = val repeat task.wait(.5) for _,v in pairs(bullshittable.KeyObtain) do pcall(function() local mag = (lplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v.Parent.Hitbox.Position).magnitude if mag < keyrange then fireproximityprompt(v) end end) end until not pickupaura end) local leveraura Main:CreateToggle("Lever Aura", false, function(val) leveraura = val repeat task.wait(.5) for _,v in pairs(bullshittable.LeverForGate) do pcall(function() local mag = (lplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v.Parent.Main.Position).magnitude if mag < leverrange then fireproximityprompt(v) end end) end until not leveraura end) local bookaura Main:CreateToggle("Book Aura", false, function(val) bookaura = val repeat task.wait(.5) for _,v in pairs(bullshittable.LiveHintBook) do pcall(function() local mag = (lplr.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v.Parent.Cover2.Position).magnitude if mag < bookrange then fireproximityprompt(v) end end) end until not bookaura end) Visual:CreateToggle("Fullbright", false, function(v) if v then game:GetService("Lighting").Brightness = 2 game:GetService("Lighting").ClockTime = 14 game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd = 100000 game:GetService("Lighting").GlobalShadows = false game:GetService("Lighting").OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(128, 128, 128) else game:GetService("Lighting").Brightness = 3 game:GetService("Lighting").ClockTime = 20 game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd = 1.1111111533265e+16 game:GetService("Lighting").GlobalShadows = true game:GetService("Lighting").OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) end end) local keyesp ESP:CreateToggle("Key ESP", false, function(val) keyesp = val if keyesp then repeat task.wait(.25) for i,v in pairs(bullshittable.KeyObtain) do pcall(function() if not v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Outline") then if keyesp then outline(v.Parent) end end end) end until not keyesp else for i,v in pairs(bullshittable.KeyObtain) do pcall(function() v.Parent.Outline:Destroy() end) end end end) local leveresp ESP:CreateToggle("Lever ESP", false, function(val) leveresp = val if leveresp then repeat task.wait(.25) for i,v in pairs(bullshittable.LeverForGate) do pcall(function() if not v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Outline") then if leveresp then outline(v.Parent) end end end) end until not leveresp else for i,v in pairs(bullshittable.LeverForGate) do pcall(function() v.Parent.Outline:Destroy() end) end end end) local bookesp ESP:CreateToggle("Book ESP", false, function(val) bookesp = val if bookesp then repeat task.wait(.25) for i,v in pairs(bullshittable.LiveHintBook) do pcall(function() if not v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Outline") then if bookesp then outline(v.Parent) end end end) end until not bookesp else for i,v in pairs(bullshittable.LiveHintBook) do pcall(function() v.Parent.Outline:Destroy() end) end end end) local Toggle3 = UI1:CreateToggle("UI Toggle", nil, function(State) Window:Toggle(State) end) Toggle3:CreateKeybind(tostring(Config.Keybind):gsub("Enum.KeyCode.", ""), function(Key) Config.Keybind = Enum.KeyCode[Key] end) Toggle3:SetState(true) local Colorpicker3 = UI1:CreateColorpicker("UI Color", function(Color) Window:ChangeColor(Color) end) Colorpicker3:UpdateColor(Config.Color) local imageshit = { ["Default"] = "2151741365", ["Hearts"] = "6073763717", ["Abstract"] = "6073743871", ["Hexagon"] = "6073628839", ["Circles"] = "6071579801", ["Lace With Flowers"] = "6071575925", ["Floral"] = "5553946656" } local imagenames = {} for i,v in pairs(imageshit) do table.insert(imagenames,tostring(i)); end; local Dropdown3 = UI2:CreateDropdown("Image", imagenames, function(Name) Window:SetBackground(imageshit[Name]) end) Dropdown3:SetOption("Default") local Colorpicker4 = UI2:CreateColorpicker("Color", function(Color) Window:SetBackgroundColor(Color) end) Colorpicker4:UpdateColor(,1,1)) local Slider3 = UI2:CreateSlider("Transparency",0,1,0,false, function(Value) Window:SetBackgroundTransparency(Value) end) Slider3:SetValue(0) local Slider4 = UI2:CreateSlider("Tile Scale",0,1,10,false, function(Value) Window:SetTileScale(Value) end) Slider4:SetValue(0.5) Player:CreateToggle("Toggle", false, function(val) getgenv().wstog = val end) Player:CreateSlider("Speed",0,45,16,false, function(val) getgenv().ws = val end) task.spawn(function() while task.wait() do if getgenv().wstog then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = getgenv().ws end end end) end;