Silent Aim Assassin Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts—a popular scripting and programming language.
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1.Open Roblox And Start Playing 2.Click The Blue Circle To Copy The Script Code 3.Paste The Script Code Into Your Executor 4.Then Execute The Script Code 5.Enjoy
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Script Code
--[[ Assassin Silent Aim.lua Made by Rileyy#0808 ]] --// Variables local Players = game:GetService('Players') local RunService = game:GetService('RunService') local UserInputService = game:GetService('UserInputService') local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local CurrentCamera = workspace.CurrentCamera --// Tables local Client = {} local Drawings = {'Circle'),'Circle') } --// FOV Drawings[1].Color = Color3.fromRGB(248, 200, 220) Drawings[1].Thickness = 2 Drawings[1].Visible = true Drawings[1].Radius = 150 Drawings[2].Thickness = 4 Drawings[2].Visible = true Drawings[2].Radius = 150 Drawings[2].ZIndex = -1 UserInputService.InputChanged:Connect(function(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement then Drawings[1].Position = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() Drawings[2].Position = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() end end) --// Functions function IsVisible(position, model) local ray =,, position).LookVector * 10000) local hit, position, normal = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {LocalPlayer.Character, CurrentCamera}) if not hit then return false end return hit:IsDescendantOf(model), hit, position, normal end --// Loops RunService.PostSimulation:Connect(function() local MousePosition = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation() Client.Target = nil Client.TargetDistance = Drawings[1].Radius for _, player in next, Players:GetChildren() do local character = workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name) local Humanoid = character and character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid') local HumanoidRootPart = character and character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') if not Humanoid or not HumanoidRootPart then continue end if Humanoid.Health <= 0 then continue end -- if not IsVisible(HumanoidRootPart.Position, player.Character) then -- continue -- end local ScreenPosition, ScreenVisible = CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(HumanoidRootPart.Position) local MouseDistance = (MousePosition -, ScreenPosition.Y)).magnitude if MouseDistance < Client.TargetDistance then Client.Target = character Client.TargetDistance = MouseDistance end end end) --// Hooks local index ; index = hookmetamethod(game, '__index', function(obj, idx) if idx:lower() == 'unitray' and Client.Target then local origin = index(obj, idx) return { Origin = origin.Origin, Direction =, Client.Target.HumanoidRootPart.Position).LookVector } end return index(obj, idx) end) --// Notify :3 game.StarterGui:SetCore('SendNotification', { Title = 'Loaded'; Text = 'Made by Rileyy#0808'; Duration = 3; })