Simple Boxing Fighters Simulator Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts—a popular scripting and programming language.
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1.Open Roblox And Start Playing 2.Click The Blue Circle To Copy The Script Code 3.Paste The Script Code Into Your Executor 4.Then Execute The Script Code 5.Enjoy
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Script Code
local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))() local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local module_enemies = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Enemies) local folder_enemies = game:GetService("Workspace").NPC local module_eggs = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Eggs) local enemies, enemiess, eggs = {}, {}, {} for enemyName, enemyData in pairs(module_enemies) do local location = enemyData.Location enemies[location] = enemies[location] or {} table.insert(enemies[location], enemyName) end for _, enemyNames in pairs(enemies) do for _, enemyName in ipairs(enemyNames) do table.insert(enemiess, enemyName) end end for eggName in pairs(module_eggs) do table.insert(eggs, eggName) end local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({ Name = "1234 | " .. game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name, LoadingTitle = "1234", LoadingSubtitle = "1234" }) local Main = Window:CreateTab("🚀 Main") local AutoStuff = Window:CreateTab("💦 AutoStuff") local AutoFarm1 = Main:CreateSection("AutoFarm [1]") local Enable_AutoFarm_Muscle, Enable_AutoFarm = false, false local farm_Muscle_toggle = Main:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoFarm Muscle", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "farm3", Callback = function(autofarm_muscle_boolean) Enable_AutoFarm_Muscle = autofarm_muscle_boolean end }) local farm_toggle = Main:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoFarm Enemy", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "farm2", Callback = function(autofarm_boolean) Enable_AutoFarm = autofarm_boolean end }) local selected_enemy = "None Selected" local farm_dropdown = Main:CreateDropdown({ Name = "Select Enemy", Options = enemiess, CurrentOption = selected_enemy, Flag = "Enemy_Dropdown", Callback = function(autofarm_dropdown) selected_enemy = autofarm_dropdown end }) local AutoFarm2 = Main:CreateSection("Auto [2]") local Enable_AutpPick = false local pickup_toggle = Main:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoPick Gems/Coins", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "pickup", Callback = function(pickup_toggle) Enable_AutpPick = pickup_toggle end }) local AutoStuff1 = AutoStuff:CreateSection("AutoHatch [1]") local Enable_AutoHatchX1, Enable_AutoHatchX3 = false, false local autohatchX1_toggle = AutoStuff:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoEggs 1x", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "autohatchX1", Callback = function(autohatchX1_toggle) Enable_AutoHatchX1 = autohatchX1_toggle end }) local autohatchX3_toggle = AutoStuff:CreateToggle({ Name = "AutoEggs 3x", CurrentValue = false, Flag = "autohatchX3", Callback = function(autohatchX3_toggle) Enable_AutoHatchX3 = autohatchX3_toggle end }) local selected_egg = "None Selected" local egg_dropdown = AutoStuff:CreateDropdown({ Name = "Select Egg [STAY NEAR EGG]", Options = eggs, CurrentOption = selected_egg, Flag = "Egg_Dropdown", Callback = function(egg_callback) selected_egg = egg_callback end }) local function open_Egg(egg, mode) local modeStr = mode == 1 and "Single" or "Triple" game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Network.OpenEgg:InvokeServer(egg, modeStr) end local function Punch(enemy, id) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Network.Punch:FireServer(enemy, id) end local function autoHatch() while true do task.wait() if Enable_AutoHatchX1 or Enable_AutoHatchX3 then open_Egg(selected_egg, Enable_AutoHatchX1 and 1 or 3) end end end local function autoFarm() while true do task.wait() if Enable_AutoFarm_Muscle then if Enable_AutoFarm and not found_enemy then Punch("Bully", nil) else return end end if Enable_AutoFarm then found_enemy = false for _, v in pairs(folder_enemies:GetChildren()) do if selected_enemy == v.Name then for _, z in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do if v:FindFirstChild(z.Name) then repeat task.wait(.005) if not found_enemy then found_enemy = true local enemy_cframe = z.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = enemy_cframe *, 1, 2.7) end Punch(selected_enemy, z.Name) until not v:FindFirstChild(z.Name) found_enemy = false end end end end end end end local function autoPick() while true do task.wait() if Enable_AutpPick then local coins = game:GetService("Workspace").Interaction.Coins local gems = game:GetService("Workspace").Interaction.Gems for _, v in pairs(coins:GetChildren()) do v.CFrame = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame end end end end task.spawn(autoHatch) task.spawn(autoFarm) task.spawn(autoPick)