Jine Bot Universal Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts—a popular scripting and programming language.
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Script Code
--[[ WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk! ]] local menu local MenuName = isfile("bitchbot/menuname.txt") and readfile("bitchbot/menuname.txt") or nil local loadstart = tick() local function map(X, A, B, C, D) return (X - A) / (B - A) * (D - C) + C end do local notes = {} local function DrawingObject(t, col) local d = Drawing.new(t) d.Visible = true d.Transparency = 1 d.Color = col return d end local function Rectangle(sizex, sizey, fill, col) local s = DrawingObject("Square", col) s.Filled = fill s.Thickness = 1 s.Position = Vector2.new() s.Size = Vector2.new(sizex, sizey) return s end local function Text(text) local s = DrawingObject("Text", Color3.new(1, 1, 1)) s.Text = text s.Size = 13 s.Center = false s.Outline = true s.Position = Vector2.new() s.Font = 2 return s end function CreateNotification(t, customcolor) -- TODO i want some kind of prioritized message to the notification list, like a warning or something. warnings have icons too maybe? idk?? local gap = 25 local width = 18 local alpha = 255 local time = 0 local estep = 0 local eestep = 0.02 local insety = 0 local Note = { enabled = true, targetPos = Vector2.new(50, 33), size = Vector2.new(200, width), drawings = { outline = Rectangle(202, width + 2, false, Color3.new(0, 0, 0)), fade = Rectangle(202, width + 2, false, Color3.new(0, 0, 0)), }, Remove = function(self, d) if d.Position.x < d.Size.x then for k, drawing in pairs(self.drawings) do drawing:Remove() drawing = false end self.enabled = false end end, Update = function(self, num, listLength, dt) local pos = self.targetPos local indexOffset = (listLength - num) * gap if insety < indexOffset then insety -= (insety - indexOffset) * 0.2 else insety = indexOffset end local size = self.size local tpos = Vector2.new(pos.x - size.x / time - map(alpha, 0, 255, size.x, 0), pos.y + insety) self.pos = tpos local locRect = { x = math.ceil(tpos.x), y = math.ceil(tpos.y), w = math.floor(size.x - map(255 - alpha, 0, 255, 0, 70)), h = size.y, } --pos.set(-size.x / fc - map(alpha, 0, 255, size.x, 0), pos.y) local fade = math.min(time * 12, alpha) fade = fade > 255 and 255 or fade < 0 and 0 or fade if self.enabled then local linenum = 1 for i, drawing in pairs(self.drawings) do drawing.Transparency = fade / 255 if type(i) == "number" then drawing.Position = Vector2.new(locRect.x + 1, locRect.y + i) drawing.Size = Vector2.new(locRect.w - 2, 1) elseif i == "text" then drawing.Position = tpos + Vector2.new(6, 2) elseif i == "outline" then drawing.Position = Vector2.new(locRect.x, locRect.y) drawing.Size = Vector2.new(locRect.w, locRect.h) elseif i == "fade" then drawing.Position = Vector2.new(locRect.x - 1, locRect.y - 1) drawing.Size = Vector2.new(locRect.w + 2, locRect.h + 2) local t = (200 - fade) / 255 / 3 drawing.Transparency = t < 0.4 and 0.4 or t elseif i:find("line") then drawing.Position = Vector2.new(locRect.x + linenum, locRect.y + 1) if menu then local mencol = customcolor or ( Color3.fromRGB(127, 72, 163) ) local color = linenum == 1 and mencol or Color3.fromRGB(mencol.R * 255 - 40, mencol.G * 255 - 40, mencol.B * 255 - 40) -- super shit if drawing.Color ~= color then drawing.Color = color end end linenum += 1 end end time += estep * dt * 128 -- TODO need to do the duration estep += eestep * dt * 64 end end, Fade = function(self, num, len, dt) if self.pos.x > self.targetPos.x - 0.2 * len or self.fading then if not self.fading then estep = 0 end self.fading = true alpha -= estep / 4 * len * dt * 50 eestep += 0.01 * dt * 100 end if alpha <= 0 then self:Remove(self.drawings[1]) end end, } for i = 1, Note.size.y - 2 do local c = 0.28 - i / 80 Note.drawings[i] = Rectangle(200, 1, true, Color3.new(c, c, c)) end local color = Color3.fromRGB(127, 72, 163) Note.drawings.text = Text(t) if Note.drawings.text.TextBounds.x + 7 > Note.size.x then -- expand the note size to fit if it's less than the default size Note.size = Vector2.new(Note.drawings.text.TextBounds.x + 7, Note.size.y) end Note.drawings.line = Rectangle(1, Note.size.y - 2, true, color) Note.drawings.line1 = Rectangle(1, Note.size.y - 2, true, color) notes[#notes + 1] = Note end renderStepped = game.RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function(dt) Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local smallest = math.huge for k = 1, #notes do local v = notes[k] if v and v.enabled then smallest = k < smallest and k or smallest else table.remove(notes, k) end end local length = #notes for k = 1, #notes do local note = notes[k] note:Update(k, length, dt) if k <= math.ceil(length / 10) or note.fading then note:Fade(k, length, dt) end end end) --ANCHOR how to create notification --CreateNotification("Loading...") end --!SECTION local menuWidth, menuHeight = 500, 600 menu = { -- this is for menu stuffs n shi w = menuWidth, h = menuHeight, x = 0, y = 0, columns = { width = (menuWidth - 40) / 2, left = 17, right = (menuWidth - 20) / 2 + 13, }, activetab = 1, open = true, fadestart = 0, fading = false, mousedown = false, postable = {}, options = {}, clrs = { norm = {}, dark = {}, togz = {}, }, mc = { 127, 72, 163 }, watermark = {}, connections = {}, list = {}, unloaded = false, copied_clr = nil, game = "uni", tabnames = {}, -- its used to change the tab num to the string (did it like this so its dynamic if u add or remove tabs or whatever :D) friends = {}, priority = {}, muted = {}, spectating = false, stat_menu = false, load_time = 0, log_multi = nil, mgrouptabz = {}, backspaceheld = false, backspacetime = -1, backspaceflags = 0, selectall = false, modkeys = { alt = { direction = nil, }, shift = { direction = nil, }, }, modkeydown = function(self, key, direction) local keydata = self.modkeys[key] return keydata.direction and keydata.direction == direction or false end, keybinds = {}, values = {} } local function round(num, numDecimalPlaces) local mult = 10 ^ (numDecimalPlaces or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end local function average(t) local sum = 0 for _, v in pairs(t) do -- Get the sum of all numbers in t sum = sum + v end return sum / #t end local function clamp(a, lowerNum, higher) -- DONT REMOVE this clamp is better then roblox's because it doesnt error when its not lower or heigher if a > higher then return higher elseif a < lowerNum then return lowerNum else return a end end local function CreateThread(func, ...) -- improved... yay. local thread = coroutine.create(func) coroutine.resume(thread, ...) return thread end local function MultiThreadList(obj, ...) local n = #obj if n > 0 then for i = 1, n do local t = obj[i] if type(t) == "table" then local d = #t assert(d ~= 0, "table inserted was not an array or was empty") assert(d < 3, ("invalid number of arguments (%d)"):format(d)) local thetype = type(t[1]) assert( thetype == "function", ("invalid argument #1: expected 'function', got '%s'"):format(tostring(thetype)) ) CreateThread(t[1], unpack(t[2])) else CreateThread(t, ...) end end else for i, v in pairs(obj) do CreateThread(v, ...) end end end local DeepRestoreTableFunctions, DeepCleanupTable DeepRestoreTableFunctions = function(tbl) for k, v in next, tbl do if type(v) == "function" and is_synapse_function(v) then for k1, v1 in next, getupvalues(v) do if type(v1) == "function" and islclosure(v1) and not is_synapse_function(v1) then tbl[k] = v1 end end end if type(v) == "table" then DeepRestoreTableFunctions(v) end end end DeepCleanupTable = function(tbl) local numTable = #tbl local isTableArray = numTable > 0 if isTableArray then for i = 1, numTable do local entry = tbl[i] local entryType = type(entry) if entryType == "table" then DeepCleanupTable(tbl) end tbl[i] = nil entry = nil entryType = nil end else for k, v in next, tbl do if type(v) == "table" then DeepCleanupTable(tbl) end end tbl[k] = nil end numTable = nil isTableArray = nil end local event = {} local allevent = {} function event.new(eventname, eventtable, requirename) -- fyi you can put in a table of choice to make the table you want an "event" pretty cool its like doing & in c lol! if eventname then assert( allevent[eventname] == nil, ("the event '%s' already exists in the event table"):format(eventname) ) end local newevent = eventtable or {} local funcs = {} local disconnectlist = {} function newevent:fire(...) allevent[eventname].fire(...) end function newevent:connect(func) funcs[#funcs + 1] = func local disconnected = false local function disconnect() if not disconnected then disconnected = true disconnectlist[func] = true end end return disconnect end local function fire(...) local n = #funcs local j = 0 for i = 1, n do local func = funcs[i] if disconnectlist[func] then disconnectlist[func] = nil else j = j + 1 funcs[j] = func end end for i = j + 1, n do funcs[i] = nil end for i = 1, j do CreateThread(function(...) pcall(funcs[i], ...) end, ...) end end if eventname then allevent[eventname] = { event = newevent, fire = fire, } end return newevent, fire end local function FireEvent(eventname, ...) if allevent[eventname] then return allevent[eventname].fire(...) else --warn(("Event %s does not exist!"):format(eventname)) end end local function GetEvent(eventname) return allevent[eventname] end local BBOT_IMAGES = {} MultiThreadList({ function() BBOT_IMAGES[1] = game:HttpGet("https://i.imgur.com/9NMuFcQ.png") end, function() BBOT_IMAGES[2] = game:HttpGet("https://i.imgur.com/jG3NjxN.png") end, function() BBOT_IMAGES[3] = game:HttpGet("https://i.imgur.com/2Ty4u2O.png") end, function() BBOT_IMAGES[4] = game:HttpGet("https://i.imgur.com/kNGuTlj.png") end, function() BBOT_IMAGES[5] = game:HttpGet("https://i.imgur.com/OZUR3EY.png") end, function() BBOT_IMAGES[6] = game:HttpGet("https://i.imgur.com/3HGuyVa.png") end, }) -- MULTITHREAD DAT LOADING SO FAST!!!! local loaded = {} do local function Loopy_Image_Checky() for i = 1, 6 do local v = BBOT_IMAGES[i] if v == nil then return true elseif not loaded[i] then loaded[i] = true end end return false end while Loopy_Image_Checky() do wait(0) end end loadstart = tick() -- nate i miss u D: -- im back local NETWORK = game:service("NetworkClient") local NETWORK_SETTINGS = settings().Network NETWORK:SetOutgoingKBPSLimit(0) setfpscap(maxfps or 144) if not isfolder("bitchbot") then makefolder("bitchbot") if not isfile("bitchbot/relations.bb") then writefile("bitchbot/relations.bb", "bb:{{friends:}{priority:}") end else if not isfile("bitchbot/relations.bb") then writefile("bitchbot/relations.bb", "bb:{{friends:}{priority:}") end writefile("bitchbot/debuglog.bb", "") end if not isfolder("bitchbot/" .. menu.game) then makefolder("bitchbot/" .. menu.game) end local configs = {} local function GetConfigs() local result = {} local directory = "bitchbot\\" .. menu.game for k, v in pairs(listfiles(directory)) do local clipped = v:sub(#directory + 2) if clipped:sub(#clipped - 2) == ".bb" then clipped = clipped:sub(0, #clipped - 3) result[k] = clipped configs[k] = v end end if #result <= 0 then writefile("bitchbot/" .. menu.game .. "/Default.bb", "") end return result end local Players = game:GetService("Players") local stats = game:GetService("Stats") local function UnpackRelations() local str = isfile("bitchbot/relations.bb") and readfile("bitchbot/relations.bb") or nil local final = { friends = {}, priority = {}, } if str then if str:find("bb:{{") then writefile("bitchbot/relations.bb", "friends:\npriority:") return end local friends, frend = str:find("friends:") local priority, priend = str:find("\npriority:") local friendslist = str:sub(frend + 1, priority - 1) local prioritylist = str:sub(priend + 1) for i in friendslist:gmatch("[^,]+") do if not table.find(final.friends, i) then table.insert(final.friends, i) end end for i in prioritylist:gmatch("[^,]+") do if not table.find(final.priority, i) then table.insert(final.priority, i) end end end if not menu then repeat game.RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() until menu end menu.friends = final.friends if not table.find(menu.friends, Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then table.insert(menu.friends, Players.LocalPlayer.Name) end menu.priority = final.priority end local function WriteRelations() local str = "friends:" for k, v in next, menu.friends do local playerobj local userid local pass, ret = pcall(function() playerobj = Players[v] end) if not pass then local newpass, newret = pcall(function() userid = v end) end if userid then str ..= tostring(userid) .. "," else str ..= tostring(playerobj.Name) .. "," end end str ..= "\npriority:" for k, v in next, menu.priority do local playerobj local userid local pass, ret = pcall(function() playerobj = Players[v] end) if not pass then local newpass, newret = pcall(function() userid = v end) end if userid then str ..= tostring(userid) .. "," else str ..= tostring(playerobj.Name) .. "," end end writefile("bitchbot/relations.bb", str) end CreateThread(function() if (not menu or not menu.GetVal) then repeat game.RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() until (menu and menu.GetVal) end wait(2) UnpackRelations() WriteRelations() end) local LOCAL_PLAYER = Players.LocalPlayer local LOCAL_MOUSE = LOCAL_PLAYER:GetMouse() local TEAMS = game:GetService("Teams") local INPUT_SERVICE = game:GetService("UserInputService") local GAME_SETTINGS = UserSettings():GetService("UserGameSettings") local CACHED_VEC3 = Vector3.new() local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local SCREEN_SIZE = Camera.ViewportSize local ButtonPressed = event.new("bb_buttonpressed") local TogglePressed = event.new("bb_togglepressed") local MouseMoved = event.new("bb_mousemoved") menu.x = math.floor((SCREEN_SIZE.x / 2) - (menu.w / 2)) menu.y = math.floor((SCREEN_SIZE.y / 2) - (menu.h / 2)) local Lerp = function(delta, from, to) -- wtf why were these globals thats so exploitable! if (delta > 1) then return to end if (delta < 0) then return from end return from + (to - from) * delta end local ColorRange = function(value, ranges) -- ty tony for dis function u a homie if value <= ranges[1].start then return ranges[1].color end if value >= ranges[#ranges].start then return ranges[#ranges].color end local selected = #ranges for i = 1, #ranges - 1 do if value < ranges[i + 1].start then selected = i break end end local minColor = ranges[selected] local maxColor = ranges[selected + 1] local lerpValue = (value - minColor.start) / (maxColor.start - minColor.start) return Color3.new( Lerp(lerpValue, minColor.color.r, maxColor.color.r), Lerp(lerpValue, minColor.color.g, maxColor.color.g), Lerp(lerpValue, minColor.color.b, maxColor.color.b) ) end local bVector2 = {} do -- vector functions function bVector2:getRotate(Vec, Rads) local vec = Vec.Unit --x2 = cos β x1 − sin β y1 --y2 = sin β x1 + cos β y1 local sin = math.sin(Rads) local cos = math.cos(Rads) local x = (cos * vec.x) - (sin * vec.y) local y = (sin * vec.x) + (cos * vec.y) return Vector2.new(x, y).Unit * Vec.Magnitude end end local bColor = {} do -- color functions function bColor:Mult(col, mult) return Color3.new(col.R * mult, col.G * mult, col.B * mult) end function bColor:Add(col, num) return Color3.new(col.R + num, col.G + num, col.B + num) end end local function string_cut(s1, num) return num == 0 and s1 or string.sub(s1, 1, num) end local textBoxLetters = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", } local keyNames = { One = "1", Two = "2", Three = "3", Four = "4", Five = "5", Six = "6", Seven = "7", Eight = "8", Nine = "9", Zero = "0", LeftBracket = "[", RightBracket = "]", Semicolon = ";", BackSlash = "\\", Slash = "/", Minus = "-", Equals = "=", Return = "Enter", Backquote = "`", CapsLock = "Caps", LeftShift = "LShift", RightShift = "RShift", LeftControl = "LCtrl", RightControl = "RCtrl", LeftAlt = "LAlt", RightAlt = "RAlt", Backspace = "Back", Plus = "+", Multiply = "x", PageUp = "PgUp", PageDown = "PgDown", Delete = "Del", Insert = "Ins", NumLock = "NumL", Comma = ",", Period = ".", } local colemak = { E = "F", R = "P", T = "G", Y = "J", U = "L", I = "U", O = "Y", P = ";", S = "R", D = "S", F = "T", G = "D", J = "N", K = "E", L = "I", [";"] = "O", N = "K", } local keymodifiernames = { ["`"] = "~", ["1"] = "!", ["2"] = "@", ["3"] = "#", ["4"] = "$", ["5"] = "%", ["6"] = "^", ["7"] = "&", ["8"] = "*", ["9"] = "(", ["0"] = ")", ["-"] = "_", ["="] = "+", ["["] = "{", ["]"] = "}", ["\\"] = "|", [";"] = ":", ["'"] = '"', [","] = "<", ["."] = ".", ["/"] = "?", } local function KeyEnumToName(key) -- did this all in a function cuz why not if key == nil then return "None" end local _key = tostring(key) .. "." local _key = _key:gsub("%.", ",") local keyname = nil local looptime = 0 for w in _key:gmatch("(.-),") do looptime = looptime + 1 if looptime == 3 then keyname = w end end if string.match(keyname, "Keypad") then keyname = string.gsub(keyname, "Keypad", "") end if keyname == "Unknown" or key.Value == 27 then return "None" end if keyNames[keyname] then keyname = keyNames[keyname] end if Nate then return colemak[keyname] or keyname else return keyname end end local invalidfilekeys = { ["\\"] = true, ["/"] = true, [":"] = true, ["*"] = true, ["?"] = true, ['"'] = true, ["<"] = true, [">"] = true, ["|"] = true, } local function KeyModifierToName(key, filename) if keymodifiernames[key] ~= nil then if filename then if invalidfilekeys[keymodifiernames[key]] then return "" else return keymodifiernames[key] end else return keymodifiernames[key] end else return "" end end local allrender = {} local RGB = Color3.fromRGB local Draw = {} do function Draw:UnRender() for k, v in pairs(allrender) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do --warn(k1, v1) -- ANCHOR WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH THIS WHY IS THIS ERRORING BECAUSE OF NUMBER if v1 and type(v1) ~= "number" and v1.__OBJECT_EXISTS then v1:Remove() else --rconsolewarn(tostring(k),tostring(v),tostring(k1),tostring(v1)) -- idfk why but this shit doesn't print anything out. might as well have it commented out though -nata april 1 21 end end end end function Draw:OutlinedRect(visible, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, clr, tablename) local temptable = Drawing.new("Square") temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Position = Vector2.new(pos_x, pos_y) temptable.Size = Vector2.new(width, height) temptable.Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) temptable.Filled = false temptable.Thickness = 0 temptable.Transparency = clr[4] / 255 table.insert(tablename, temptable) if not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end end function Draw:FilledRect(visible, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, clr, tablename) local temptable = Drawing.new("Square") temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Position = Vector2.new(pos_x, pos_y) temptable.Size = Vector2.new(width, height) temptable.Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) temptable.Filled = true temptable.Thickness = 0 temptable.Transparency = clr[4] / 255 table.insert(tablename, temptable) if not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end end function Draw:Line(visible, thickness, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, clr, tablename) temptable = Drawing.new("Line") temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Thickness = thickness temptable.From = Vector2.new(start_x, start_y) temptable.To = Vector2.new(end_x, end_y) temptable.Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) temptable.Transparency = clr[4] / 255 table.insert(tablename, temptable) if not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end end function Draw:Image(visible, imagedata, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, transparency, tablename) local temptable = Drawing.new("Image") temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Position = Vector2.new(pos_x, pos_y) temptable.Size = Vector2.new(width, height) temptable.Transparency = transparency temptable.Data = imagedata or placeholderImage table.insert(tablename, temptable) if not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end end function Draw:Text(text, font, visible, pos_x, pos_y, size, centered, clr, tablename) local temptable = Drawing.new("Text") temptable.Text = text temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Position = Vector2.new(pos_x, pos_y) temptable.Size = size temptable.Center = centered temptable.Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) temptable.Transparency = clr[4] / 255 temptable.Outline = false temptable.Font = font table.insert(tablename, temptable) if not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end end function Draw:OutlinedText(text, font, visible, pos_x, pos_y, size, centered, clr, clr2, tablename) local temptable = Drawing.new("Text") temptable.Text = text temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Position = Vector2.new(pos_x, pos_y) temptable.Size = size temptable.Center = centered temptable.Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) temptable.Transparency = clr[4] / 255 temptable.Outline = true temptable.OutlineColor = RGB(clr2[1], clr2[2], clr2[3]) temptable.Font = font if not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end if tablename then table.insert(tablename, temptable) end return temptable end function Draw:Triangle(visible, filled, pa, pb, pc, clr, tablename) clr = clr or { 255, 255, 255, 1 } local temptable = Drawing.new("Triangle") temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Transparency = clr[4] or 1 temptable.Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) temptable.Thickness = 4.1 if pa and pb and pc then temptable.PointA = Vector2.new(pa[1], pa[2]) temptable.PointB = Vector2.new(pb[1], pb[2]) temptable.PointC = Vector2.new(pc[1], pc[2]) end temptable.Filled = filled table.insert(tablename, temptable) if tablename and not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end end function Draw:Circle(visible, pos_x, pos_y, size, thickness, sides, clr, tablename) local temptable = Drawing.new("Circle") temptable.Position = Vector2.new(pos_x, pos_y) temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Radius = size temptable.Thickness = thickness temptable.NumSides = sides temptable.Transparency = clr[4] temptable.Filled = false temptable.Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) table.insert(tablename, temptable) if not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end end function Draw:FilledCircle(visible, pos_x, pos_y, size, thickness, sides, clr, tablename) local temptable = Drawing.new("Circle") temptable.Position = Vector2.new(pos_x, pos_y) temptable.Visible = visible temptable.Radius = size temptable.Thickness = thickness temptable.NumSides = sides temptable.Transparency = clr[4] temptable.Filled = true temptable.Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) table.insert(tablename, temptable) if not table.find(allrender, tablename) then table.insert(allrender, tablename) end end --ANCHOR MENU ELEMENTS function Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(visible, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, clr, tablename) Draw:OutlinedRect(visible, pos_x + menu.x, pos_y + menu.y, width, height, clr, tablename) table.insert(menu.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) if menu.log_multi ~= nil then table.insert(menu.mgrouptabz[menu.log_multi[1]][menu.log_multi[2]], tablename[#tablename]) end end function Draw:MenuFilledRect(visible, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, clr, tablename) Draw:FilledRect(visible, pos_x + menu.x, pos_y + menu.y, width, height, clr, tablename) table.insert(menu.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) if menu.log_multi ~= nil then table.insert(menu.mgrouptabz[menu.log_multi[1]][menu.log_multi[2]], tablename[#tablename]) end end function Draw:MenuImage(visible, imagedata, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, transparency, tablename) Draw:Image(visible, imagedata, pos_x + menu.x, pos_y + menu.y, width, height, transparency, tablename) table.insert(menu.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) if menu.log_multi ~= nil then table.insert(menu.mgrouptabz[menu.log_multi[1]][menu.log_multi[2]], tablename[#tablename]) end end function Draw:MenuBigText(text, visible, centered, pos_x, pos_y, tablename) local text = Draw:OutlinedText( text, 2, visible, pos_x + menu.x, pos_y + menu.y, 13, centered, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, tablename ) table.insert(menu.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) if menu.log_multi ~= nil then table.insert(menu.mgrouptabz[menu.log_multi[1]][menu.log_multi[2]], tablename[#tablename]) end return text end function Draw:CoolBox(name, x, y, width, height, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y, width, height, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 2, y + 2, width - 3, 1, { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, tab) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 2, y + 3, width - 3, 1, { 87, 32, 123, 255 }, tab) table.insert(menu.clrs.dark, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 2, y + 4, width - 3, 1, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tab) for i = 0, 7 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 5 + (i * 2), width - 4, 2, { 45, 45, 45, 255 }, tab) tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(45, 45, 45) }, [2] = { start = 7, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) } } ) end Draw:MenuBigText(name, true, false, x + 6, y + 5, tab) end function Draw:CoolMultiBox(names, x, y, width, height, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y, width, height, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 2, y + 2, width - 3, 1, { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, tab) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 2, y + 3, width - 3, 1, { 87, 32, 123, 255 }, tab) table.insert(menu.clrs.dark, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 2, y + 4, width - 3, 1, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tab) --{35, 35, 35, 255} Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 5, width - 4, 18, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 21, width - 4, 2, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tab) local selected = {} for i = 0, 8 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 5 + (i * 2), width - 159, 2, { 45, 45, 45, 255 }, tab) tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 8, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) } } ) table.insert(selected, { postable = #menu.postable, drawn = tab[#tab] }) end local length = 2 local selected_pos = {} local click_pos = {} local nametext = {} for i, v in ipairs(names) do Draw:MenuBigText(v, true, false, x + 4 + length, y + 5, tab) if i == 1 then tab[#tab].Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) else tab[#tab].Color = RGB(170, 170, 170) end table.insert(nametext, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + length + tab[#tab].TextBounds.X + 8, y + 5, 2, 16, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tab) table.insert(selected_pos, { pos = x + length, length = tab[#tab - 1].TextBounds.X + 8 }) table.insert(click_pos, { x = x + length, y = y + 5, width = tab[#tab - 1].TextBounds.X + 8, height = 18, name = v, num = i, }) length += tab[#tab - 1].TextBounds.X + 10 end local settab = 1 for k, v in pairs(selected) do menu.postable[v.postable][2] = selected_pos[settab].pos v.drawn.Size = Vector2.new(selected_pos[settab].length, 2) end return { bar = selected, barpos = selected_pos, click_pos = click_pos, nametext = nametext } --Draw:MenuBigText(str, true, false, x + 6, y + 5, tab) end function Draw:Toggle(name, value, unsafe, x, y, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y, 12, 12, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 1, 10, 10, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) local temptable = {} for i = 0, 3 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 2 + (i * 2), 8, 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) if value then tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(menu.mc[1] - 40, menu.mc[2] - 40, menu.mc[3] - 40) }, }) else tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(30, 30, 30) }, }) end end Draw:MenuBigText(name, true, false, x + 16, y - 1, tab) if unsafe == true then tab[#tab].Color = RGB(90, 90, 90) end table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) return temptable end function Draw:Keybind(key, x, y, tab) local temptable = {} Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x, y, 44, 16, { 25, 25, 25, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuBigText(KeyEnumToName(key), true, true, x + 22, y + 1, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y, 44, 16, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 1, 42, 14, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) return temptable end function Draw:ColorPicker(color, x, y, tab) local temptable = {} Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y, 28, 14, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 1, 26, 12, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 2, 24, 10, { color[1], color[2], color[3], 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 2, y + 2, 24, 10, { color[1] - 40, color[2] - 40, color[3] - 40, 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 3, y + 3, 22, 8, { color[1] - 40, color[2] - 40, color[3] - 40, 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) return temptable end function Draw:Slider(name, stradd, value, minvalue, maxvalue, customvals, rounded, x, y, length, tab) Draw:MenuBigText(name, true, false, x, y - 3, tab) for i = 0, 3 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 14 + (i * 2), length - 4, 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(30, 30, 30) } } ) end local temptable = {} for i = 0, 3 do Draw:MenuFilledRect( true, x + 2, y + 14 + (i * 2), (length - 4) * ((value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue)), 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab ) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(menu.mc[1] - 40, menu.mc[2] - 40, menu.mc[3] - 40) }, }) end Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y + 12, length, 12, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 13, length - 2, 10, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) local textstr = "" if stradd == nil then stradd = "" end local decplaces = rounded and string.rep("0", math.log(1 / rounded) / math.log(10)) or 1 if rounded and value == math.floor(value * decplaces) then textstr = tostring(value) .. "." .. decplaces .. stradd else textstr = tostring(value) .. stradd end Draw:MenuBigText(customvals[value] or textstr, true, true, x + (length * 0.5), y + 11, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) table.insert(temptable, stradd) return temptable end function Draw:Dropbox(name, value, values, x, y, length, tab) local temptable = {} Draw:MenuBigText(name, true, false, x, y - 3, tab) for i = 0, 7 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 14 + (i * 2), length - 4, 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 7, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) } } ) end Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y + 12, length, 22, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 13, length - 2, 20, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuBigText(tostring(values[value]), true, false, x + 6, y + 16, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuBigText("-", true, false, x - 17 + length, y + 16, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) return temptable end function Draw:Combobox(name, values, x, y, length, tab) local temptable = {} Draw:MenuBigText(name, true, false, x, y - 3, tab) for i = 0, 7 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 14 + (i * 2), length - 4, 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 7, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) } } ) end Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y + 12, length, 22, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 13, length - 2, 20, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) local textthing = "" for k, v in pairs(values) do if v[2] then if textthing == "" then textthing = v[1] else textthing ..= ", " .. v[1] end end end if string.len(textthing) > 25 then textthing = string_cut(textthing, 25) end textthing = textthing ~= "" and textthing or "None" Draw:MenuBigText(textthing, true, false, x + 6, y + 16, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuBigText("...", true, false, x - 27 + length, y + 16, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) return temptable end function Draw:Button(name, x, y, length, tab) local temptable = {} for i = 0, 8 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 2 + (i * 2), length - 4, 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 8, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) } } ) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) end Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y, length, 22, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 1, length - 2, 20, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) temptable.text = Draw:MenuBigText(name, true, true, x + math.floor(length * 0.5), y + 4, tab) return temptable end function Draw:List(name, x, y, length, maxamount, columns, tab) local temptable = { uparrow = {}, downarrow = {}, liststuff = { rows = {}, words = {} } } for i, v in ipairs(name) do Draw:MenuBigText( v, true, false, (math.floor(length / columns) * i) - math.floor(length / columns) + 30, y - 3, tab ) end Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y + 12, length, 22 * maxamount + 4, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 13, length - 2, 22 * maxamount + 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + length - 7, y + 16, 1, 1, { menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3], 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable.uparrow, tab[#tab]) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + length - 8, y + 17, 3, 1, { menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3], 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable.uparrow, tab[#tab]) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + length - 9, y + 18, 5, 1, { menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3], 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable.uparrow, tab[#tab]) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuFilledRect( true, x + length - 7, y + 16 + (22 * maxamount + 4) - 9, 1, 1, { menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3], 255 }, tab ) table.insert(temptable.downarrow, tab[#tab]) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuFilledRect( true, x + length - 8, y + 16 + (22 * maxamount + 4) - 10, 3, 1, { menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3], 255 }, tab ) table.insert(temptable.downarrow, tab[#tab]) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuFilledRect( true, x + length - 9, y + 16 + (22 * maxamount + 4) - 11, 5, 1, { menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3], 255 }, tab ) table.insert(temptable.downarrow, tab[#tab]) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, tab[#tab]) for i = 1, maxamount do temptable.liststuff.rows[i] = {} if i ~= maxamount then Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 4, (y + 13) + (22 * i), length - 8, 2, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tab) table.insert(temptable.liststuff.rows[i], tab[#tab]) end if columns ~= nil then for i1 = 1, columns - 1 do Draw:MenuOutlinedRect( true, x + math.floor(length / columns) * i1, (y + 13) + (22 * i) - 18, 2, 16, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tab ) table.insert(temptable.liststuff.rows[i], tab[#tab]) end end temptable.liststuff.words[i] = {} if columns ~= nil then for i1 = 1, columns do Draw:MenuBigText( "", true, false, (x + math.floor(length / columns) * i1) - math.floor(length / columns) + 5, (y + 13) + (22 * i) - 16, tab ) table.insert(temptable.liststuff.words[i], tab[#tab]) end else Draw:MenuBigText("", true, false, x + 5, (y + 13) + (22 * i) - 16, tab) table.insert(temptable.liststuff.words[i], tab[#tab]) end end return temptable end function Draw:ImageWithText(size, image, text, x, y, tab) local temptable = {} Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y, size + 4, size + 4, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 1, size + 2, size + 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 2, size, size, { 40, 40, 40, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuBigText(text, true, false, x + size + 8, y, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) Draw:MenuImage(true, BBOT_IMAGES[5], x + 2, y + 2, size, size, 1, tab) table.insert(temptable, tab[#tab]) return temptable end function Draw:TextBox(name, text, x, y, length, tab) for i = 0, 8 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, x + 2, y + 2 + (i * 2), length - 4, 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) tab[#tab].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 8, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) } } ) end Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x, y, length, 22, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, x + 1, y + 1, length - 2, 20, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tab) Draw:MenuBigText(text, true, false, x + 6, y + 4, tab) return tab[#tab] end end -- finish local loadingthing = Draw:OutlinedText( "Loading...", 2, true, math.floor(SCREEN_SIZE.x / 16), math.floor(SCREEN_SIZE.y / 16), 13, true, { 255, 50, 200, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0 } ) function menu.Initialize(menutable) local bbmenu = {} -- this one is for the rendering n shi do Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 0, 0, menu.w, menu.h, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, bbmenu) -- first gradent or whatever Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 1, 1, menu.w - 2, menu.h - 2, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, bbmenu) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 2, 2, menu.w - 3, 1, { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, bbmenu) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, bbmenu[#bbmenu]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 2, 3, menu.w - 3, 1, { 87, 32, 123, 255 }, bbmenu) table.insert(menu.clrs.dark, bbmenu[#bbmenu]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 2, 4, menu.w - 3, 1, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, bbmenu) for i = 0, 19 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, 2, 5 + i, menu.w - 4, 1, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, bbmenu) bbmenu[6 + i].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 20, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) } } ) end Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, 2, 25, menu.w - 4, menu.h - 27, { 35, 35, 35, 255 }, bbmenu) Draw:MenuBigText(MenuName or "Bitch Bot", true, false, 6, 6, bbmenu) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 8, 22, menu.w - 16, menu.h - 30, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, bbmenu) -- all this shit does the 2nd gradent Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 9, 23, menu.w - 18, menu.h - 32, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, bbmenu) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 10, 24, menu.w - 19, 1, { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, bbmenu) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, bbmenu[#bbmenu]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 10, 25, menu.w - 19, 1, { 87, 32, 123, 255 }, bbmenu) table.insert(menu.clrs.dark, bbmenu[#bbmenu]) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 10, 26, menu.w - 19, 1, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, bbmenu) for i = 0, 14 do Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, 10, 27 + (i * 2), menu.w - 20, 2, { 45, 45, 45, 255 }, bbmenu) bbmenu[#bbmenu].Color = ColorRange( i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 15, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) } } ) end Draw:MenuFilledRect(true, 10, 57, menu.w - 20, menu.h - 67, { 35, 35, 35, 255 }, bbmenu) end -- ok now the cool part :D --ANCHOR menu stuffz local tabz = {} for i = 1, #menutable do tabz[i] = {} end local tabs = {} -- i like tabby catz 🐱🐱🐱 menu.multigroups = {} for k, v in pairs(menutable) do Draw:MenuFilledRect( true, 10 + ((k - 1) * ((menu.w - 20) / #menutable)), 27, ((menu.w - 20) / #menutable), 32, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, bbmenu ) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect( true, 10 + ((k - 1) * ((menu.w - 20) / #menutable)), 27, ((menu.w - 20) / #menutable), 32, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, bbmenu ) Draw:MenuBigText( v.name, true, true, math.floor(10 + ((k - 1) * ((menu.w - 20) / #menutable)) + (((menu.w - 20) / #menutable) * 0.5)), 35, bbmenu ) table.insert(tabs, { bbmenu[#bbmenu - 2], bbmenu[#bbmenu - 1], bbmenu[#bbmenu] }) table.insert(menu.tabnames, v.name) menu.options[v.name] = {} menu.multigroups[v.name] = {} menu.mgrouptabz[v.name] = {} local y_offies = { left = 66, right = 66 } if v.content ~= nil then for k1, v1 in pairs(v.content) do if v1.autopos ~= nil then v1.width = menu.columns.width if v1.autopos == "left" then v1.x = menu.columns.left v1.y = y_offies.left elseif v1.autopos == "right" then v1.x = menu.columns.right v1.y = y_offies.right end end local groups = {} if type(v1.name) == "table" then groups = v1.name else table.insert(groups, v1.name) end local y_pos = 24 for g_ind, g_name in ipairs(groups) do menu.options[v.name][g_name] = {} if type(v1.name) == "table" then menu.mgrouptabz[v.name][g_name] = {} menu.log_multi = { v.name, g_name } end local content = nil if type(v1.name) == "table" then y_pos = 28 content = v1[g_ind].content else y_pos = 24 content = v1.content end if content ~= nil then for k2, v2 in pairs(content) do if v2.type == "toggle" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name] = {} local unsafe = false if v2.unsafe then unsafe = true end menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:Toggle(v2.name, v2.value, unsafe, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, tabz[k]) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][1] = v2.value menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][7] = v2.value menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][2] = v2.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = { v1.x + 7, v1.y + y_pos - 1 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][6] = unsafe menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name].tooltip = v2.tooltip or nil if v2.extra ~= nil then if v2.extra.type == "keybind" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][4] = Draw:Keybind( v2.extra.key, v1.x + v1.width - 52, y_pos + v1.y - 2, tabz[k] ) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1] = v2.extra.key menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][2] = v2.extra.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][3] = { v1.x + v1.width - 52, y_pos + v1.y - 2 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][5] = false menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5].toggletype = v2.extra.toggletype == nil and 1 or v2.extra.toggletype menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5].relvalue = false local event = event.new(("%s %s %s"):format(v.name, g_name, v2.name)) event:connect(function(newval) if menu:GetVal("Visuals", "Keybinds" ,"Log Keybinds") then CreateNotification(("%s %s %s has been set to %s"):format(v.name, g_name, v2.name, newval and "true" or "false")) end end) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5].event = event menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5].bind = table.insert(menu.keybinds, { menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name], tostring(v2.name), tostring(g_name), tostring(v.name), }) elseif v2.extra.type == "single colorpicker" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][4] = Draw:ColorPicker( v2.extra.color, v1.x + v1.width - 38, y_pos + v1.y - 1, tabz[k] ) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1] = v2.extra.color menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][2] = v2.extra.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][3] = { v1.x + v1.width - 38, y_pos + v1.y - 1 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][5] = false menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][6] = v2.extra.name elseif v2.extra.type == "double colorpicker" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1][1] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1][2] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][2] = v2.extra.type for i = 1, 2 do menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1][i][4] = Draw:ColorPicker( v2.extra.color[i], v1.x + v1.width - 38 - ((i - 1) * 34), y_pos + v1.y - 1, tabz[k] ) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1][i][1] = v2.extra.color[i] menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1][i][3] = { v1.x + v1.width - 38 - ((i - 1) * 34), y_pos + v1.y - 1 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1][i][5] = false menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5][1][i][6] = v2.extra.name[i] end end end y_pos += 18 elseif v2.type == "slider" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:Slider( v2.name, v2.stradd, v2.value, v2.minvalue, v2.maxvalue, v2.custom or {}, v2.decimal, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16, tabz[k] ) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][1] = v2.value menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][2] = v2.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = { v1.x + 7, v1.y + y_pos - 1, v1.width - 16 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5] = false menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][6] = { v2.minvalue, v2.maxvalue } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][7] = { v1.x + 7 + v1.width - 38, v1.y + y_pos - 1 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name].decimal = v2.decimal == nil and nil or v2.decimal menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name].stepsize = v2.stepsize menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name].custom = v2.custom or {} y_pos += 30 elseif v2.type == "dropbox" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][1] = v2.value menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][2] = v2.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5] = false menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][6] = v2.values if v2.x == nil then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = { v1.x + 7, v1.y + y_pos - 1, v1.width - 16 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:Dropbox( v2.name, v2.value, v2.values, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16, tabz[k] ) y_pos += 40 else menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = { v2.x + 7, v2.y - 1, v2.w } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:Dropbox(v2.name, v2.value, v2.values, v2.x + 8, v2.y, v2.w, tabz[k]) end elseif v2.type == "combobox" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:Combobox( v2.name, v2.values, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16, tabz[k] ) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][1] = v2.values menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][2] = v2.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = { v1.x + 7, v1.y + y_pos - 1, v1.width - 16 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5] = false y_pos += 40 elseif v2.type == "button" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][1] = false menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][2] = v2.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name].name = v2.name menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name].groupbox = g_name menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name].tab = v.name -- why is it all v, v1, v2 so ugly menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name].doubleclick = v2.doubleclick if v2.x == nil then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = { v1.x + 7, v1.y + y_pos - 1, v1.width - 16 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:Button(v2.name, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16, tabz[k]) y_pos += 28 else menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = { v2.x + 7, v2.y - 1, v2.w } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:Button(v2.name, v2.x + 8, v2.y, v2.w, tabz[k]) end elseif v2.type == "textbox" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:TextBox(v2.name, v2.text, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16, tabz[k]) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][1] = v2.text menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][2] = v2.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = { v1.x + 7, v1.y + y_pos - 1, v1.width - 16 } menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5] = false menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][6] = v2.file and true or false y_pos += 28 elseif v2.type == "list" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][4] = Draw:List( v2.multiname, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16, v2.size, v2.columns, tabz[k] ) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][1] = nil menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][2] = v2.type menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][3] = 1 menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][5] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][6] = v2.size menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][7] = v2.columns menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][8] = { v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16 } y_pos += 22 + (22 * v2.size) elseif v2.type == "image" then menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name] = {} menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][1] = Draw:ImageWithText(v2.size, nil, v2.text, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, tabz[k]) menu.options[v.name][g_name][v2.name][2] = v2.type end end end menu.log_multi = nil end y_pos += 2 if type(v1.name) ~= "table" then if v1.autopos == nil then Draw:CoolBox(v1.name, v1.x, v1.y, v1.width, v1.height, tabz[k]) else if v1.autofill then y_pos = (menu.h - 17) - v1.y elseif v1.size ~= nil then y_pos = v1.size end Draw:CoolBox(v1.name, v1.x, v1.y, v1.width, y_pos, tabz[k]) y_offies[v1.autopos] += y_pos + 6 end else if v1.autofill then y_pos = (menu.h - 17) - v1.y y_offies[v1.autopos] += y_pos + 6 elseif v1.size ~= nil then y_pos = v1.size y_offies[v1.autopos] += y_pos + 6 end local drawn if v1.autopos == nil then drawn = Draw:CoolMultiBox(v1.name, v1.x, v1.y, v1.width, v1.height, tabz[k]) else drawn = Draw:CoolMultiBox(v1.name, v1.x, v1.y, v1.width, y_pos, tabz[k]) end local group_vals = {} for _i, _v in ipairs(v1.name) do if _i == 1 then group_vals[_v] = true else group_vals[_v] = false end end table.insert(menu.multigroups[v.name], { vals = group_vals, drawn = drawn }) end end end end menu.list.addval = function(list, option) table.insert(list[5], option) end menu.list.removeval = function(list, optionnum) if list[1] == optionnum then list[1] = nil end table.remove(list[5], optionnum) end menu.list.removeall = function(list) list[5] = {} for k, v in pairs(list[4].liststuff) do for i, v1 in ipairs(v) do for i1, v2 in ipairs(v1) do v2.Visible = false end end end end menu.list.setval = function(list, value) list[1] = value end Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 10, 59, menu.w - 20, menu.h - 69, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, bbmenu) Draw:MenuOutlinedRect(true, 11, 58, ((menu.w - 20) / #menutable) - 2, 2, { 35, 35, 35, 255 }, bbmenu) local barguy = { bbmenu[#bbmenu], menu.postable[#menu.postable] } local function setActiveTab(slot) barguy[1].Position = Vector2.new( (menu.x + 11 + ((((menu.w - 20) / #menutable) - 2) * (slot - 1))) + ((slot - 1) * 2), menu.y + 58 ) barguy[2][2] = (11 + ((((menu.w - 20) / #menutable) - 2) * (slot - 1))) + ((slot - 1) * 2) barguy[2][3] = 58 for k, v in pairs(tabs) do if k == slot then v[1].Visible = false v[3].Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) else v[3].Color = RGB(170, 170, 170) v[1].Visible = true end end for k, v in pairs(tabz) do if k == slot then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do v1.Visible = true end else for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do v1.Visible = false end end end for k, v in pairs(menu.multigroups) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1.vals) do for k3, v3 in pairs(menu.mgrouptabz[k][k2]) do v3.Visible = v2 end end end end end end setActiveTab(menu.activetab) local plusminus = {} Draw:OutlinedText("_", 1, false, 10, 10, 14, false, { 225, 225, 225, 255 }, { 20, 20, 20 }, plusminus) Draw:OutlinedText("+", 1, false, 10, 10, 14, false, { 225, 225, 225, 255 }, { 20, 20, 20 }, plusminus) local function set_plusminus(value, x, y) for i, v in ipairs(plusminus) do if value == 0 then v.Visible = false else v.Visible = true end end if value ~= 0 then plusminus[1].Position = Vector2.new(x + 3 + menu.x, y - 5 + menu.y) plusminus[2].Position = Vector2.new(x + 13 + menu.x, y - 1 + menu.y) if value == 1 then for i, v in ipairs(plusminus) do v.Color = RGB(225, 225, 225) v.OutlineColor = RGB(20, 20, 20) end else for i, v in ipairs(plusminus) do if i + 1 == value then v.Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) else v.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) end v.OutlineColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) end end end end set_plusminus(0, 20, 20) --DROP BOX THINGY local dropboxthingy = {} local dropboxtexty = {} Draw:OutlinedRect(false, 20, 20, 100, 22, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, dropboxthingy) Draw:OutlinedRect(false, 21, 21, 98, 20, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, dropboxthingy) Draw:FilledRect(false, 22, 22, 96, 18, { 45, 45, 45, 255 }, dropboxthingy) for i = 1, 30 do Draw:OutlinedText("", 2, false, 20, 20, 13, false, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, dropboxtexty) end local function set_dropboxthingy(visible, x, y, length, value, values) for k, v in pairs(dropboxthingy) do v.Visible = visible end dropboxthingy[1].Position = Vector2.new(x, y) dropboxthingy[2].Position = Vector2.new(x + 1, y + 1) dropboxthingy[3].Position = Vector2.new(x + 2, y + 22) dropboxthingy[1].Size = Vector2.new(length, 21 * (#values + 1) + 3) dropboxthingy[2].Size = Vector2.new(length - 2, (21 * (#values + 1)) + 1) dropboxthingy[3].Size = Vector2.new(length - 4, (21 * #values) + 1 - 1) if visible then for i = 1, #values do dropboxtexty[i].Position = Vector2.new(x + 6, y + 26 + ((i - 1) * 21)) dropboxtexty[i].Visible = true dropboxtexty[i].Text = values[i] if i == value then dropboxtexty[i].Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) else dropboxtexty[i].Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) end end else for k, v in pairs(dropboxtexty) do v.Visible = false end end end local function set_comboboxthingy(visible, x, y, length, values) for k, v in pairs(dropboxthingy) do v.Visible = visible end dropboxthingy[1].Position = Vector2.new(x, y) dropboxthingy[2].Position = Vector2.new(x + 1, y + 1) dropboxthingy[3].Position = Vector2.new(x + 2, y + 22) dropboxthingy[1].Size = Vector2.new(length, 22 * (#values + 1) + 2) dropboxthingy[2].Size = Vector2.new(length - 2, (22 * (#values + 1))) dropboxthingy[3].Size = Vector2.new(length - 4, (22 * #values)) if visible then for i = 1, #values do dropboxtexty[i].Position = Vector2.new(x + 6, y + 26 + ((i - 1) * 22)) dropboxtexty[i].Visible = true dropboxtexty[i].Text = values[i][1] if values[i][2] then dropboxtexty[i].Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) else dropboxtexty[i].Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) end end else for k, v in pairs(dropboxtexty) do v.Visible = false end end end set_dropboxthingy(false, 400, 200, 160, 1, { "HI q", "HI q", "HI q" }) --MODE SELECT THING local modeselect = {} Draw:OutlinedRect(false, 20, 20, 100, 22, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, modeselect) Draw:OutlinedRect(false, 21, 21, 98, 20, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, modeselect) Draw:FilledRect(false, 22, 22, 96, 18, { 45, 45, 45, 255 }, modeselect) local modeselecttext = { "Hold", "Toggle", "Hold Off", "Always" } for i = 1, 4 do Draw:OutlinedText( modeselecttext[i], 2, false, 20, 20, 13, false, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, modeselect ) end local function set_modeselect(visible, x, y, value) for k, v in pairs(modeselect) do v.Visible = visible end if visible then modeselect[1].Position = Vector2.new(x, y) modeselect[2].Position = Vector2.new(x + 1, y + 1) modeselect[3].Position = Vector2.new(x + 2, y + 2) modeselect[1].Size = Vector2.new(70, 22 * 4 - 1) modeselect[2].Size = Vector2.new(70 - 2, 22 * 4 - 3) modeselect[3].Size = Vector2.new(70 - 4, 22 * 4 - 5) for i = 1, 4 do modeselect[i + 3].Position = Vector2.new(x + 6, y + 4 + ((i - 1) * 21)) if value == i then modeselect[i + 3].Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) else modeselect[i + 3].Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) end end end end set_modeselect(false, 200, 400, 1) --COLOR PICKER local cp = { x = 400, y = 40, w = 280, h = 211, alpha = false, dragging_m = false, dragging_r = false, dragging_b = false, hsv = { h = 0, s = 0, v = 0, a = 0, }, postable = {}, drawings = {}, } local function ColorpickerOutline(visible, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, clr, tablename) -- doing all this shit to make it easier for me to make this beat look nice and shit ya fell dog :dog_head: Draw:OutlinedRect(visible, pos_x + cp.x, pos_y + cp.y, width, height, clr, tablename) table.insert(cp.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) end local function ColorpickerRect(visible, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, clr, tablename) Draw:FilledRect(visible, pos_x + cp.x, pos_y + cp.y, width, height, clr, tablename) table.insert(cp.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) end local function ColorpickerImage(visible, imagedata, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, transparency, tablename) Draw:Image(visible, imagedata, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, transparency, tablename) table.insert(cp.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) end local function ColorpickerText(text, visible, centered, pos_x, pos_y, tablename) Draw:OutlinedText( text, 2, visible, pos_x + cp.x, pos_y + cp.y, 13, centered, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, tablename ) table.insert(cp.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) end ColorpickerRect(false, 1, 1, cp.w, cp.h, { 35, 35, 35, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 1, 1, cp.w, cp.h, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 2, 2, cp.w - 2, cp.h - 2, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 3, 3, cp.w - 3, 1, { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) ColorpickerOutline(false, 3, 4, cp.w - 3, 1, { 87, 32, 123, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(menu.clrs.dark, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) ColorpickerOutline(false, 3, 5, cp.w - 3, 1, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerText("color picker :D", false, false, 7, 6, cp.drawings) ColorpickerText("x", false, false, 268, 4, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 10, 23, 160, 160, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 11, 24, 158, 158, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerRect(false, 12, 25, 156, 156, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) local maincolor = cp.drawings[#cp.drawings] ColorpickerImage(false, BBOT_IMAGES[1], 12, 25, 156, 156, 1, cp.drawings) --https://i.imgur.com/jG3NjxN.png local alphabar = {} ColorpickerOutline(false, 10, 189, 160, 14, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(alphabar, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) ColorpickerOutline(false, 11, 190, 158, 12, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(alphabar, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) ColorpickerImage(false, BBOT_IMAGES[2], 12, 191, 159, 10, 1, cp.drawings) table.insert(alphabar, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) ColorpickerOutline(false, 176, 23, 14, 160, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 177, 24, 12, 158, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) --https://i.imgur.com/2Ty4u2O.png ColorpickerImage(false, BBOT_IMAGES[3], 178, 25, 10, 156, 1, cp.drawings) ColorpickerText("New Color", false, false, 198, 23, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 197, 37, 75, 40, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 198, 38, 73, 38, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerImage(false, BBOT_IMAGES[4], 199, 39, 71, 36, 1, cp.drawings) ColorpickerRect(false, 199, 39, 71, 36, { 255, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) local newcolor = cp.drawings[#cp.drawings] ColorpickerText("copy", false, true, 198 + 36, 41, cp.drawings) ColorpickerText("paste", false, true, 198 + 37, 56, cp.drawings) local newcopy = { cp.drawings[#cp.drawings - 1], cp.drawings[#cp.drawings] } ColorpickerText("Old Color", false, false, 198, 77, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 197, 91, 75, 40, { 30, 30, 30, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerOutline(false, 198, 92, 73, 38, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) ColorpickerImage(false, BBOT_IMAGES[4], 199, 93, 71, 36, 1, cp.drawings) ColorpickerRect(false, 199, 93, 71, 36, { 255, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) local oldcolor = cp.drawings[#cp.drawings] ColorpickerText("copy", false, true, 198 + 36, 103, cp.drawings) local oldcopy = { cp.drawings[#cp.drawings] } --ColorpickerRect(false, 197, cp.h - 25, 75, 20, {30, 30, 30, 255}, cp.drawings) ColorpickerText("[ Apply ]", false, true, 235, cp.h - 23, cp.drawings) local applytext = cp.drawings[#cp.drawings] local function set_newcolor(r, g, b, a) newcolor.Color = RGB(r, g, b) if a ~= nil then newcolor.Transparency = a / 255 else newcolor.Transparency = 1 end end local function set_oldcolor(r, g, b, a) oldcolor.Color = RGB(r, g, b) if a ~= nil then oldcolor.Transparency = a / 255 else oldcolor.Transparency = 1 end end -- all this color picker shit is disgusting, why can't it be in it's own fucking scope. these are all global local dragbar_r = {} Draw:OutlinedRect(true, 30, 30, 16, 5, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(dragbar_r, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) Draw:OutlinedRect(true, 31, 31, 14, 3, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(dragbar_r, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) local dragbar_b = {} Draw:OutlinedRect(true, 30, 30, 5, 16, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(dragbar_b, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) table.insert(alphabar, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) Draw:OutlinedRect(true, 31, 31, 3, 14, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(dragbar_b, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) table.insert(alphabar, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) local dragbar_m = {} Draw:OutlinedRect(true, 30, 30, 5, 5, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(dragbar_m, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) Draw:OutlinedRect(true, 31, 31, 3, 3, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, cp.drawings) table.insert(dragbar_m, cp.drawings[#cp.drawings]) local function set_dragbar_r(x, y) dragbar_r[1].Position = Vector2.new(x, y) dragbar_r[2].Position = Vector2.new(x + 1, y + 1) end local function set_dragbar_b(x, y) dragbar_b[1].Position = Vector2.new(x, y) dragbar_b[2].Position = Vector2.new(x + 1, y + 1) end local function set_dragbar_m(x, y) dragbar_m[1].Position = Vector2.new(x, y) dragbar_m[2].Position = Vector2.new(x + 1, y + 1) end local function set_colorpicker(visible, color, value, alpha, text, x, y) for k, v in pairs(cp.drawings) do v.Visible = visible end if visible then cp.x = clamp(x, 0, SCREEN_SIZE.x - cp.w) cp.y = clamp(y, 0, SCREEN_SIZE.y - cp.h) for k, v in pairs(cp.postable) do v[1].Position = Vector2.new(cp.x + v[2], cp.y + v[3]) end local tempclr = RGB(color[1], color[2], color[3]) local h, s, v = tempclr:ToHSV() cp.hsv.h = h cp.hsv.s = s cp.hsv.v = v set_dragbar_r(cp.x + 175, cp.y + 23 + math.floor((1 - h) * 156)) set_dragbar_m(cp.x + 9 + math.floor(s * 156), cp.y + 23 + math.floor((1 - v) * 156)) if not alpha then set_newcolor(color[1], color[2], color[3]) set_oldcolor(color[1], color[2], color[3]) cp.alpha = false for k, v in pairs(alphabar) do v.Visible = false end cp.h = 191 for i = 1, 2 do cp.drawings[i].Size = Vector2.new(cp.w, cp.h) end cp.drawings[3].Size = Vector2.new(cp.w - 2, cp.h - 2) else cp.hsv.a = color[4] cp.alpha = true set_newcolor(color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4]) set_oldcolor(color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4]) cp.h = 211 for i = 1, 2 do cp.drawings[i].Size = Vector2.new(cp.w, cp.h) end cp.drawings[3].Size = Vector2.new(cp.w - 2, cp.h - 2) set_dragbar_b(cp.x + 12 + math.floor(156 * (color[4] / 255)), cp.y + 188) end applytext.Position = Vector2.new(235 + cp.x, cp.y + cp.h - 23) maincolor.Color = Color3.fromHSV(h, 1, 1) cp.drawings[7].Text = text end end set_colorpicker(false, { 255, 0, 0 }, nil, false, "", 0, 0) --TOOL TIP local tooltip = { x = 0, y = 0, time = 0, active = false, text = "This does this and that i guess\npooping 24/7", drawings = {}, postable = {}, } local function ttOutline(visible, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, clr, tablename) Draw:OutlinedRect(visible, pos_x + tooltip.x, pos_y + tooltip.y, width, height, clr, tablename) table.insert(tooltip.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) end local function ttRect(visible, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, clr, tablename) Draw:FilledRect(visible, pos_x + tooltip.x, pos_y + tooltip.y, width, height, clr, tablename) table.insert(tooltip.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) end local function ttText(text, visible, centered, pos_x, pos_y, tablename) Draw:OutlinedText( text, 2, visible, pos_x + tooltip.x, pos_y + tooltip.y, 13, centered, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, tablename ) table.insert(tooltip.postable, { tablename[#tablename], pos_x, pos_y }) end ttRect( false, tooltip.x + 1, tooltip.y + 1, 1, 28, { menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3], 255 }, tooltip.drawings ) ttRect( false, tooltip.x + 2, tooltip.y + 1, 1, 28, { menu.mc[1] - 40, menu.mc[2] - 40, menu.mc[3] - 40, 255 }, tooltip.drawings ) ttOutline(false, tooltip.x, tooltip.y, 4, 30, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tooltip.drawings) ttRect(false, tooltip.x + 4, tooltip.y, 100, 30, { 40, 40, 40, 255 }, tooltip.drawings) ttOutline(false, tooltip.x - 1, tooltip.y - 1, 102, 32, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, tooltip.drawings) ttOutline(false, tooltip.x + 3, tooltip.y, 102, 30, { 20, 20, 20, 255 }, tooltip.drawings) ttText(tooltip.text, false, false, tooltip.x + 7, tooltip.y + 1, tooltip.drawings) local function set_tooltip(x, y, text, visible, dt) dt = dt or 0 x = x or tooltip.x y = y or tooltip.y tooltip.x = x tooltip.y = y if tooltip.time < 1 and visible then if tooltip.time < -2 then tooltip.time = -2 end tooltip.time += dt else tooltip.time -= dt if tooltip.time < -1 then tooltip.time = -1 end end if tooltip.time > 1 then tooltip.time = 1 end for k, v in ipairs(tooltip.drawings) do v.Visible = tooltip.time > 0 end tooltip.active = visible if text then tooltip.drawings[7].Text = text end for k, v in pairs(tooltip.postable) do v[1].Position = Vector2.new(x + v[2], y + v[3]) v[1].Transparency = (0.3 + tooltip.time) ^ 3 - 1 if not menu.open then v[1].Transparency = 0 end end tooltip.drawings[1].Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) tooltip.drawings[2].Color = RGB(menu.mc[1] - 40, menu.mc[2] - 40, menu.mc[3] - 40) local tb = tooltip.drawings[7].TextBounds tooltip.drawings[1].Size = Vector2.new(1, tb.Y + 3) tooltip.drawings[2].Size = Vector2.new(1, tb.Y + 3) tooltip.drawings[3].Size = Vector2.new(4, tb.Y + 5) tooltip.drawings[4].Size = Vector2.new(tb.X + 6, tb.Y + 5) tooltip.drawings[5].Size = Vector2.new(tb.X + 12, tb.Y + 7) tooltip.drawings[6].Size = Vector2.new(tb.X + 7, tb.Y + 5) end set_tooltip(500, 500, "", false) -- mouse shiz local bbmouse = {} local mousie = { x = 100, y = 240, } Draw:Triangle( true, true, { mousie.x, mousie.y }, { mousie.x, mousie.y + 15 }, { mousie.x + 10, mousie.y + 10 }, { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, bbmouse ) table.insert(menu.clrs.norm, bbmouse[#bbmouse]) Draw:Triangle( true, false, { mousie.x, mousie.y }, { mousie.x, mousie.y + 15 }, { mousie.x + 10, mousie.y + 10 }, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, bbmouse ) local lastMousePos = Vector2.new() function menu:set_mouse_pos(x, y) FireEvent("bb_mousemoved", lastMousePos ~= Vector2.new(x, y)) for k = 1, #bbmouse do local v = bbmouse[k] v.PointA = Vector2.new(x, y + 36) v.PointB = Vector2.new(x, y + 36 + 15) v.PointC = Vector2.new(x + 10, y + 46) end lastMousePos = Vector2.new(x, y) end function menu:set_menu_clr(r, g, b) menu.watermark.rect[1].Color = RGB(r - 40, g - 40, b - 40) menu.watermark.rect[2].Color = RGB(r, g, b) for k, v in pairs(menu.clrs.norm) do v.Color = RGB(r, g, b) end for k, v in pairs(menu.clrs.dark) do v.Color = RGB(r - 40, g - 40, b - 40) end local menucolor = { r, g, b } for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" then if not v2[1] then for i = 0, 3 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(30, 30, 30) }, }) end else for i = 0, 3 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(menucolor[1], menucolor[2], menucolor[3]) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(menucolor[1] - 40, menucolor[2] - 40, menucolor[3] - 40), }, }) end end elseif v2[2] == "slider" then for i = 0, 3 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(menucolor[1], menucolor[2], menucolor[3]) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(menucolor[1] - 40, menucolor[2] - 40, menucolor[3] - 40), }, }) end end end end end end local function UpdateConfigs() local configthing = menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["Configs"] configthing[6] = GetConfigs() if configthing[1] > #configthing[6] then configthing[1] = #configthing[6] end configthing[4][1].Text = configthing[6][configthing[1]] end menu.keybind_open = nil menu.dropbox_open = nil menu.colorpicker_open = false menu.textboxopen = nil function menu:InputBeganMenu(key) --ANCHOR menu input if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightShift and not loadingthing.Visible then cp.dragging_m = false cp.dragging_r = false cp.dragging_b = false UpdateConfigs() if menu.open and not menu.fading then for k = 1, #menu.options do local v = menu.options[k] for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "slider" and v2[5] then v2[5] = false elseif v2[2] == "dropbox" and v2[5] then v2[5] = false elseif v2[2] == "combobox" and v2[5] then v2[5] = false elseif v2[2] == "toggle" then if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "keybind" and v2[5][5] then v2[5][4][2].Color = RGB(30, 30, 30) v2[5][5] = false elseif v2[5][2] == "single colorpicker" and v2[5][5] then v2[5][5] = false end end elseif v2[2] == "button" then if v2[1] then for i = 0, 8 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 8, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) }, }) end v2[1] = false end end end end end menu.keybind_open = nil set_modeselect(false, 20, 20, 1) menu.dropbox_open = nil set_dropboxthingy(false, 400, 200, 160, 1, { "HI q", "HI q", "HI q" }) menu.colorpicker_open = nil set_tooltip(nil, nil, nil, false) set_colorpicker(false, { 255, 0, 0 }, nil, false, "hahaha", 400, 200) end if not menu.fading then menu.fading = true menu.fadestart = tick() end end if menu == nil then return end if menu.textboxopen then if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.RightShift or key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Return then for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "textbox" then if v2[5] then v2[5] = false v2[4].Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) menu.textboxopen = false v2[4].Text = v2[1] end end end end end end end if menu.open and not menu.fading then for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" then if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "keybind" and v2[5][5] and key.KeyCode.Value ~= 0 then v2[5][4][2].Color = RGB(30, 30, 30) v2[5][4][1].Text = KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode) if KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode) == "None" then v2[5][1] = nil else v2[5][1] = key.KeyCode end v2[5][5] = false end end elseif v2[2] == "textbox" then --ANCHOR TEXTBOXES if v2[5] then if not INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then if string.len(v2[1]) <= 28 then if table.find(textBoxLetters, KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode)) then if INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) then v2[1] ..= string.upper(KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode)) else v2[1] ..= string.lower(KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode)) end elseif KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode) == "Space" then v2[1] ..= " " elseif keymodifiernames[KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode)] ~= nil then if INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift) then v2[1] ..= KeyModifierToName(KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode), v2[6]) else v2[1] ..= KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode) end elseif KeyEnumToName(key.KeyCode) == "Back" and v2[1] ~= "" then v2[1] = string.sub(v2[1], 0, #v2[1] - 1) end end v2[4].Text = v2[1] .. "|" end end end end end end end end function menu:InputBeganKeybinds(key) -- this is super shit because once we add mouse we need to change all this shit to be the contextaction stuff if INPUT_SERVICE:GetFocusedTextBox() or menu.textboxopen then return end for i = 1, #self.keybinds do local value = self.keybinds[i][1] if key.KeyCode == value[5][1] then value[5].lastvalue = value[5].relvalue if value[5].toggletype == 2 then value[5].relvalue = not value[5].relvalue elseif value[5].toggletype == 1 then value[5].relvalue = true elseif value[5].toggletype == 3 then value[5].relvalue = false end elseif value[5].toggletype == 4 then value[5].relvalue = true end if value[5].lastvalue ~= value[5].relvalue then value[5].event:fire(value[5].relvalue) end end end function menu:InputEndedKeybinds(key) for i = 1, #self.keybinds do local value = self.keybinds[i][1] value[5].lastvalue = value[5].relvalue if key.KeyCode == value[5][1] then if value[5].toggletype == 1 then value[5].relvalue = false elseif value[5].toggletype == 3 then value[5].relvalue = true end end if value[5].lastvalue ~= value[5].relvalue then value[5].event:fire(value[5].relvalue) end end end function menu:SetMenuPos(x, y) for k, v in pairs(menu.postable) do if v[1].Visible then v[1].Position = Vector2.new(x + v[2], y + v[3]) end end end function menu:MouseInArea(x, y, width, height) return LOCAL_MOUSE.x > x and LOCAL_MOUSE.x < x + width and LOCAL_MOUSE.y > 36 + y and LOCAL_MOUSE.y < 36 + y + height end function menu:MouseInMenu(x, y, width, height) return LOCAL_MOUSE.x > menu.x + x and LOCAL_MOUSE.x < menu.x + x + width and LOCAL_MOUSE.y > menu.y - 36 + y and LOCAL_MOUSE.y < menu.y - 36 + y + height end function menu:MouseInColorPicker(x, y, width, height) return LOCAL_MOUSE.x > cp.x + x and LOCAL_MOUSE.x < cp.x + x + width and LOCAL_MOUSE.y > cp.y - 36 + y and LOCAL_MOUSE.y < cp.y - 36 + y + height end local keyz = {} for k, v in pairs(Enum.KeyCode:GetEnumItems()) do keyz[v.Value] = v end function menu:GetVal(tab, groupbox, name, ...) local args = { ... } local option = menu.options[tab][groupbox][name] if args[1] == nil then if option[2] == "toggle" then local lastval = option[7] option[7] = option[1] return option[1], lastval elseif option[2] ~= "combobox" then return option[1] else local temptable = {} for k, v in ipairs(option[1]) do table.insert(temptable, v[2]) end return temptable end else if args[1] == "keybind" or args[1] == "color" then if args[2] then return RGB(option[5][1][1], option[5][1][2], option[5][1][3]) else return option[5][1] end elseif args[1] == "color1" then if args[2] then return RGB(option[5][1][1][1][1], option[5][1][1][1][2], option[5][1][1][1][3]) else return option[5][1][1][1] end elseif args[1] == "color2" then if args[2] then return RGB(option[5][1][2][1][1], option[5][1][2][1][2], option[5][1][2][1][3]) else return option[5][1][2][1] end end end end function menu:GetKey(tab, groupbox, name) local option = self.options[tab][groupbox][name][5] if self:GetVal(tab, groupbox, name) then if option.toggletype ~= 0 then if option.lastvalue == nil then option.lastvalue = option.relvalue end return option.relvalue, option.lastvalue, option.event else return false end end end function menu:SetKey(tab, groupbox, name, val) val = val or false local option = menu.options[tab][groupbox][name][5] if option.toggletype ~= 0 then option.lastvalue = option.relvalue option.relvalue = val if option.lastvalue ~= option.relvalue then option.event:fire(option.relvalue) end end end local menuElementTypes = { "toggle", "slider", "dropbox", "textbox" } local doubleclickDelay = 4 local buttonsInQue = {} local function SaveCurSettings() --ANCHOR figgies local figgy = "BitchBot v2\nmade with <3 by nata and bitch\n\n" -- screw zarzel XD (and json and classy) for k, v in next, menuElementTypes do figgy ..= v .. "s {\n" for k1, v1 in pairs(menu.options) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do for k3, v3 in pairs(v2) do if v3[2] == tostring(v) and k3 ~= "Configs" and k3 ~= "Player Status" and k3 ~= "ConfigName" then figgy ..= k1 .. "|" .. k2 .. "|" .. k3 .. "|" .. tostring(v3[1]) .. "\n" end end end end figgy = figgy .. "}\n" end figgy = figgy .. "comboboxes {\n" for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "combobox" then local boolz = "" for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[1]) do boolz = boolz .. tostring(v3[2]) .. ", " end figgy = figgy .. k .. "|" .. k1 .. "|" .. k2 .. "|" .. boolz .. "\n" end end end end figgy = figgy .. "}\n" figgy = figgy .. "keybinds {\n" for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" then if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "keybind" then local toggletype = "|" .. tostring(v2[5].toggletype) if v2[5][1] == nil then figgy = figgy .. k .. "|" .. k1 .. "|" .. k2 .. "|nil" .. "|" .. tostring(v2[5].toggletype) .. "\n" else figgy = figgy .. k .. "|" .. k1 .. "|" .. k2 .. "|" .. tostring(v2[5][1].Value) .. "|" .. tostring(v2[5].toggletype) .. "\n" end end end end end end end figgy = figgy .. "}\n" figgy = figgy .. "colorpickers {\n" for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" then if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "single colorpicker" then local clrz = "" for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[5][1]) do clrz = clrz .. tostring(v3) .. ", " end figgy = figgy .. k .. "|" .. k1 .. "|" .. k2 .. "|" .. clrz .. "\n" end end end end end end figgy = figgy .. "}\n" figgy = figgy .. "double colorpickers {\n" for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" then if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "double colorpicker" then local clrz1 = "" for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[5][1][1][1]) do clrz1 = clrz1 .. tostring(v3) .. ", " end local clrz2 = "" for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[5][1][2][1]) do clrz2 = clrz2 .. tostring(v3) .. ", " end figgy = figgy .. k .. "|" .. k1 .. "|" .. k2 .. "|" .. clrz1 .. "|" .. clrz2 .. "\n" end end end end end end figgy = figgy .. "}\n" return figgy end local function LoadConfig(loadedcfg) local lines = {} for s in loadedcfg:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do table.insert(lines, s) end if lines[1] == "BitchBot v2" then local start = nil for i, v in next, lines do if v == "toggles {" then start = i break end end local end_ = nil for i, v in next, lines do if i > start and v == "}" then end_ = i break end end for i = 1, end_ - start - 1 do local tt = string.split(lines[i + start], "|") if menu.options[tt[1]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]] ~= nil then if tt[4] == "true" then menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][1] = true else menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][1] = false end end end local start = nil for i, v in next, lines do if v == "sliders {" then start = i break end end local end_ = nil for i, v in next, lines do if i > start and v == "}" then end_ = i break end end for i = 1, end_ - start - 1 do local tt = string.split(lines[i + start], "|") if menu.options[tt[1]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]] ~= nil then menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][1] = tonumber(tt[4]) end end local start = nil for i, v in next, lines do if v == "dropboxs {" then start = i break end end local end_ = nil for i, v in next, lines do if i > start and v == "}" then end_ = i break end end for i = 1, end_ - start - 1 do local tt = string.split(lines[i + start], "|") if menu.options[tt[1]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]] ~= nil then local num = tonumber(tt[4]) if num > #menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][6] then num = #menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][6] elseif num < 0 then num = 1 end menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][1] = num end end local start = nil for i, v in next, lines do if v == "textboxs {" then start = i break end end if start ~= nil then local end_ = nil for i, v in next, lines do if i > start and v == "}" then end_ = i break end end for i = 1, end_ - start - 1 do local tt = string.split(lines[i + start], "|") if menu.options[tt[1]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]] ~= nil then menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][1] = tostring(tt[4]) end end end local start = nil for i, v in next, lines do if v == "comboboxes {" then start = i break end end local end_ = nil for i, v in next, lines do if i > start and v == "}" then end_ = i break end end for i = 1, end_ - start - 1 do local tt = string.split(lines[i + start], "|") if menu.options[tt[1]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]] ~= nil then local subs = string.split(tt[4], ",") for i, v in ipairs(subs) do local opt = string.gsub(v, " ", "") if opt == "true" then menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][1][i][2] = true else menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][1][i][2] = false end if i == #subs - 1 then break end end end end local start = nil for i, v in next, lines do if v == "keybinds {" then start = i break end end local end_ = nil for i, v in next, lines do if i > start and v == "}" then end_ = i break end end for i = 1, end_ - start - 1 do local tt = string.split(lines[i + start], "|") if menu.options[tt[1]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5] ~= nil then if tt[5] ~= nil then local toggletype = clamp(tonumber(tt[5]), 1, 4) if menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5].toggletype ~= 0 then menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5].toggletype = toggletype end end if tt[4] == "nil" then menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5][1] = nil else menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5][1] = keyz[tonumber(tt[4])] end end end local start = nil for i, v in next, lines do if v == "colorpickers {" then start = i break end end local end_ = nil for i, v in next, lines do if i > start and v == "}" then end_ = i break end end for i = 1, end_ - start - 1 do local tt = string.split(lines[i + start], "|") if menu.options[tt[1]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]] ~= nil then local subs = string.split(tt[4], ",") for i, v in ipairs(subs) do if menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5][1][i] == nil then break end local opt = string.gsub(v, " ", "") menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5][1][i] = tonumber(opt) if i == #subs - 1 then break end end end end local start = nil for i, v in next, lines do if v == "double colorpickers {" then start = i break end end local end_ = nil for i, v in next, lines do if i > start and v == "}" then end_ = i break end end for i = 1, end_ - start - 1 do local tt = string.split(lines[i + start], "|") if menu.options[tt[1]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]] ~= nil and menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]] ~= nil then local subs = { string.split(tt[4], ","), string.split(tt[5], ",") } for i, v in ipairs(subs) do for i1, v1 in ipairs(v) do if menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5][1][i][1][i1] == nil then break end local opt = string.gsub(v1, " ", "") menu.options[tt[1]][tt[2]][tt[3]][5][1][i][1][i1] = tonumber(opt) if i1 == #v - 1 then break end end end end end for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" then if not v2[1] then for i = 0, 3 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(30, 30, 30) }, }) end else for i = 0, 3 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(menu.mc[1] - 40, menu.mc[2] - 40, menu.mc[3] - 40), }, }) end end if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "keybind" then v2[5][4][2].Color = RGB(30, 30, 30) v2[5][4][1].Text = KeyEnumToName(v2[5][1]) elseif v2[5][2] == "single colorpicker" then v2[5][4][1].Color = RGB(v2[5][1][1], v2[5][1][2], v2[5][1][3]) for i = 2, 3 do v2[5][4][i].Color = RGB(v2[5][1][1] - 40, v2[5][1][2] - 40, v2[5][1][3] - 40) end elseif v2[5][2] == "double colorpicker" then for i, v3 in ipairs(v2[5][1]) do v3[4][1].Color = RGB(v3[1][1], v3[1][2], v3[1][3]) for i1 = 2, 3 do v3[4][i1].Color = RGB(v3[1][1] - 40, v3[1][2] - 40, v3[1][3] - 40) end end end end elseif v2[2] == "slider" then if v2[1] < v2[6][1] then v2[1] = v2[6][1] elseif v2[1] > v2[6][2] then v2[1] = v2[6][2] end local decplaces = v2.decimal and string.rep("0", math.log(1 / v2.decimal) / math.log(10)) if decplaces and math.abs(v2[1]) < v2.decimal then v2[1] = 0 end v2[4][5].Text = v2.custom[v2[1]] or (v2[1] == math.floor(v2[1]) and v2.decimal) and tostring(v2[1]) .. "." .. decplaces .. v2[4][6] or tostring(v2[1]) .. v2[4][6] -- v2[4][5].Text = tostring(v2[1]).. v2[4][6] for i = 1, 4 do v2[4][i].Size = Vector2.new((v2[3][3] - 4) * ((v2[1] - v2[6][1]) / (v2[6][2] - v2[6][1])), 2) end elseif v2[2] == "dropbox" then if v2[6][v2[1]] == nil then v2[1] = 1 end v2[4][1].Text = v2[6][v2[1]] elseif v2[2] == "combobox" then local textthing = "" for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[1]) do if v3[2] then if textthing == "" then textthing = v3[1] else textthing = textthing .. ", " .. v3[1] end end end textthing = textthing ~= "" and textthing or "None" if string.len(textthing) > 25 then textthing = string_cut(textthing, 25) end v2[4][1].Text = textthing elseif v2[2] == "textbox" then v2[4].Text = v2[1] end end end end end end function menu.saveconfig() local figgy = SaveCurSettings() writefile( "bitchbot/" .. menu.game .. "/" .. menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"][1] .. ".bb", figgy ) CreateNotification('Saved "' .. menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"][1] .. '.bb"!') UpdateConfigs() end function menu.loadconfig() local configname = "bitchbot/" .. menu.game .. "/" .. menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"][1] .. ".bb" if not isfile(configname) then CreateNotification( '"' .. menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"][1] .. '.bb" is not a valid config.' ) return end local curcfg = SaveCurSettings() local loadedcfg = readfile(configname) if pcall(LoadConfig, loadedcfg) then CreateNotification('Loaded "' .. menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"][1] .. '.bb"!') else LoadConfig(curcfg) CreateNotification( 'There was an issue loading "' .. menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"][1] .. '.bb"' ) end end local function buttonpressed(bp) if bp.doubleclick then if buttonsInQue[bp] and tick() - buttonsInQue[bp] < doubleclickDelay then buttonsInQue[bp] = 0 else for button, time in next, buttonsInQue do buttonsInQue[button] = 0 end buttonsInQue[bp] = tick() return end end FireEvent("bb_buttonpressed", bp.tab, bp.groupbox, bp.name) --ButtonPressed:Fire(bp.tab, bp.groupbox, bp.name) if bp == menu.options["Settings"]["Cheat Settings"]["Unload Cheat"] then menu.fading = true wait() menu:unload() elseif bp == menu.options["Settings"]["Cheat Settings"]["Set Clipboard Game ID"] then setclipboard(game.JobId) elseif bp == menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["Save Config"] then menu.saveconfig() elseif bp == menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["Delete Config"] then delfile( "bitchbot/" .. menu.game .. "/" .. menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"][1] .. ".bb" ) CreateNotification('Deleted "' .. menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"][1] .. '.bb"!') UpdateConfigs() elseif bp == menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["Load Config"] then menu.loadconfig() elseif bp == menu.options["Visuals"]["Highlight Chams"]["Print Values"] then local hl = menu:GetVal("Visuals", "Highlight Chams", "Enable") local hlcf = Color3.fromRGB(unpack(menu:GetVal("Visuals", "Highlight Chams", "Enable", "color1"))) local hlco = Color3.fromRGB(unpack(menu:GetVal("Visuals", "Highlight Chams", "Enable", "color2"))) local hltype = menu:GetVal("Visuals", "Highlight Chams", "Highlight Type") print(hl) print(hltype - 1) print(menu.options["Visuals"]["Highlight Chams"]["Enable"][5][1][1][6]) print(hlcf) print(menu.options["Visuals"]["Highlight Chams"]["Enable"][5][1][2][6]) print(hlco) end end local function mousebutton2downfunc() if menu.colorpicker_open or menu.dropbox_open then return end for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do local pass = true for k3, v3 in pairs(menu.multigroups) do if k == k3 then for k4, v4 in pairs(v3) do for k5, v5 in pairs(v4.vals) do if k1 == k5 then pass = v5 end end end end end if pass then for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do --ANCHOR more menu bs if v2[2] == "toggle" then if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "keybind" then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[5][3][1], v2[5][3][2], 44, 16) then if menu.keybind_open ~= v2 and v2[5].toggletype ~= 0 then menu.keybind_open = v2 set_modeselect( true, v2[5][3][1] + menu.x, v2[5][3][2] + 16 + menu.y, v2[5].toggletype ) else menu.keybind_open = nil set_modeselect(false, 20, 20, 1) end end end end end end end end end end end local function mousebutton1downfunc() --ANCHOR menu mouse down func menu.dropbox_open = nil menu.textboxopen = false set_modeselect(false, 20, 20, 1) if menu.keybind_open then local key = menu.keybind_open local foundkey = false for i = 1, 4 do if menu:MouseInMenu(key[5][3][1], key[5][3][2] + 16 + ((i - 1) * 21), 70, 21) then foundkey = true menu.keybind_open[5].toggletype = i menu.keybind_open[5].relvalue = false end end menu.keybind_open = nil if foundkey then return end end for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "dropbox" and v2[5] then if not menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 24 * (#v2[6] + 1) + 3) then set_dropboxthingy(false, 400, 200, 160, 1, { "HI q", "HI q", "HI q" }) v2[5] = false else menu.dropbox_open = v2 end end if v2[2] == "combobox" and v2[5] then if not menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 24 * (#v2[1] + 1) + 3) then set_dropboxthingy(false, 400, 200, 160, 1, { "HI q", "HI q", "HI q" }) v2[5] = false else menu.dropbox_open = v2 end end if v2[2] == "toggle" then if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "keybind" then if v2[5][5] == true then v2[5][4][2].Color = RGB(30, 30, 30) v2[5][5] = false end elseif v2[5][2] == "single colorpicker" then if v2[5][5] == true then if not menu:MouseInColorPicker(0, 0, cp.w, cp.h) then set_colorpicker(false, { 255, 0, 0 }, nil, false, "hahaha", 400, 200) v2[5][5] = false menu.colorpicker_open = nil menu.colorpicker_open = nil end end elseif v2[5][2] == "double colorpicker" then for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[5][1]) do if v3[5] == true then if not menu:MouseInColorPicker(0, 0, cp.w, cp.h) then set_colorpicker(false, { 255, 0, 0 }, nil, false, "hahaha", 400, 200) v3[5] = false menu.colorpicker_open = nil menu.colorpicker_open = nil end end end end end end if v2[2] == "textbox" and v2[5] then v2[4].Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) v2[5] = false v2[4].Text = v2[1] end end end end for i = 1, #menutable do if menu:MouseInMenu( 10 + ((i - 1) * math.floor((menu.w - 20) / #menutable)), 27, math.floor((menu.w - 20) / #menutable), 32 ) then menu.activetab = i setActiveTab(menu.activetab) menu:SetMenuPos(menu.x, menu.y) set_tooltip(nil, nil, nil, false) end end if menu.colorpicker_open then if menu:MouseInColorPicker(197, cp.h - 25, 75, 20) then local tempclr = Color3.fromHSV(cp.hsv.h, cp.hsv.s, cp.hsv.v) menu.colorpicker_open[4][1].Color = tempclr for i = 2, 3 do menu.colorpicker_open[4][i].Color = RGB( math.floor(tempclr.R * 255) - 40, math.floor(tempclr.G * 255) - 40, math.floor(tempclr.B * 255) - 40 ) end if cp.alpha then menu.colorpicker_open[1] = { math.floor(tempclr.R * 255), math.floor(tempclr.G * 255), math.floor(tempclr.B * 255), cp.hsv.a, } else menu.colorpicker_open[1] = { math.floor(tempclr.R * 255), math.floor(tempclr.G * 255), math.floor(tempclr.B * 255), } end menu.colorpicker_open = nil menu.colorpicker_open = nil set_colorpicker(false, { 255, 0, 0 }, nil, false, "hahaha", 400, 200) end if menu:MouseInColorPicker(264, 2, 14, 14) then menu.colorpicker_open = nil menu.colorpicker_open = nil set_colorpicker(false, { 255, 0, 0 }, nil, false, "hahaha", 400, 200) end if menu:MouseInColorPicker(10, 23, 160, 160) then cp.dragging_m = true elseif menu:MouseInColorPicker(176, 23, 14, 160) then cp.dragging_r = true elseif menu:MouseInColorPicker(10, 189, 160, 14) and cp.alpha then cp.dragging_b = true end if menu:MouseInColorPicker(197, 37, 75, 20) then menu.copied_clr = newcolor.Color elseif menu:MouseInColorPicker(197, 57, 75, 20) then if menu.copied_clr ~= nil then local cpa = false local clrtable = { menu.copied_clr.R * 255, menu.copied_clr.G * 255, menu.copied_clr.B * 255 } if menu.colorpicker_open[1][4] ~= nil then cpa = true table.insert(clrtable, menu.colorpicker_open[1][4]) end set_colorpicker(true, clrtable, menu.colorpicker_open, cpa, menu.colorpicker_open[6], cp.x, cp.y) local oldclr = menu.colorpicker_open[4][1].Color if menu.colorpicker_open[1][4] ~= nil then set_oldcolor(oldclr.R * 255, oldclr.G * 255, oldclr.B * 255, menu.colorpicker_open[1][4]) else set_oldcolor(oldclr.R * 255, oldclr.G * 255, oldclr.B * 255) end end end if menu:MouseInColorPicker(197, 91, 75, 40) then menu.copied_clr = oldcolor.Color end else for k, v in pairs(menu.multigroups) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do local c_pos = v1.drawn.click_pos --local selected = v1.drawn.bar local selected_pos = v1.drawn.barpos for k2, v2 in pairs(v1.drawn.click_pos) do if menu:MouseInMenu(v2.x, v2.y, v2.width, v2.height) then for _k, _v in pairs(v1.vals) do if _k == v2.name then v1.vals[_k] = true else v1.vals[_k] = false end end local settab = v2.num for _k, _v in pairs(v1.drawn.bar) do menu.postable[_v.postable][2] = selected_pos[settab].pos _v.drawn.Size = Vector2.new(selected_pos[settab].length, 2) end for i, v in pairs(v1.drawn.nametext) do if i == v2.num then v.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) else v.Color = RGB(170, 170, 170) end end menu:set_menu_visibility(true) setActiveTab(menu.activetab) menu:SetMenuPos(menu.x, menu.y) end end end end end local newdropbox_open for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do local pass = true for k3, v3 in pairs(menu.multigroups) do if k == k3 then for k4, v4 in pairs(v3) do for k5, v5 in pairs(v4.vals) do if k1 == k5 then pass = v5 end end end end end if pass then for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" and not menu.dropbox_open then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], 30 + v2[4][5].TextBounds.x, 16) then if v2[6] then if menu:GetVal( "Settings", "Cheat Settings", "Allow Unsafe Features" ) and v2[1] == false then v2[1] = true else v2[1] = false end else v2[1] = not v2[1] end if not v2[1] then for i = 0, 3 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(30, 30, 30) }, }) end else for i = 0, 3 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]), }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB( menu.mc[1] - 40, menu.mc[2] - 40, menu.mc[3] - 40 ), }, }) end end --TogglePressed:Fire(k1, k2, v2) FireEvent("bb_togglepressed", k1, k2, v2) end if v2[5] ~= nil then if v2[5][2] == "keybind" then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[5][3][1], v2[5][3][2], 44, 16) then v2[5][4][2].Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) v2[5][5] = true end elseif v2[5][2] == "single colorpicker" then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[5][3][1], v2[5][3][2], 28, 14) then v2[5][5] = true menu.colorpicker_open = v2[5] menu.colorpicker_open = v2[5] if v2[5][1][4] ~= nil then set_colorpicker( true, v2[5][1], v2[5], true, v2[5][6], LOCAL_MOUSE.x, LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36 ) else set_colorpicker( true, v2[5][1], v2[5], false, v2[5][6], LOCAL_MOUSE.x, LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36 ) end end elseif v2[5][2] == "double colorpicker" then for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[5][1]) do if menu:MouseInMenu(v3[3][1], v3[3][2], 28, 14) then v3[5] = true menu.colorpicker_open = v3 menu.colorpicker_open = v3 if v3[1][4] ~= nil then set_colorpicker( true, v3[1], v3, true, v3[6], LOCAL_MOUSE.x, LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36 ) else set_colorpicker( true, v3[1], v3, false, v3[6], LOCAL_MOUSE.x, LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36 ) end end end end end elseif v2[2] == "slider" and not menu.dropbox_open then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[7][1], v2[7][2], 22, 13) then local stepval = 1 if v2.stepsize then stepval = v2.stepsize end if menu:modkeydown("shift", "left") then stepval = 0.1 end if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[7][1], v2[7][2], 11, 13) then v2[1] -= stepval elseif menu:MouseInMenu(v2[7][1] + 11, v2[7][2], 11, 13) then v2[1] += stepval end if v2[1] < v2[6][1] then v2[1] = v2[6][1] elseif v2[1] > v2[6][2] then v2[1] = v2[6][2] end local decplaces = v2.decimal and string.rep("0", math.log(1 / v2.decimal) / math.log(10)) if decplaces and math.abs(v2[1]) < v2.decimal then v2[1] = 0 end v2[4][5].Text = v2.custom[v2[1]] or (v2[1] == math.floor(v2[1]) and v2.decimal) and tostring(v2[1]) .. "." .. decplaces .. v2[4][6] or tostring(v2[1]) .. v2[4][6] for i = 1, 4 do v2[4][i].Size = Vector2.new( (v2[3][3] - 4) * ((v2[1] - v2[6][1]) / (v2[6][2] - v2[6][1])), 2 ) end elseif menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 28) then v2[5] = true end elseif v2[2] == "dropbox" then if menu.dropbox_open then if v2 ~= menu.dropbox_open then continue end end if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 36) then if not v2[5] then set_dropboxthingy( true, v2[3][1] + menu.x + 1, v2[3][2] + menu.y + 13, v2[3][3], v2[1], v2[6] ) v2[5] = true newdropbox_open = v2 else set_dropboxthingy(false, 400, 200, 160, 1, { "HI q", "HI q", "HI q" }) v2[5] = false newdropbox_open = nil end elseif menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 24 * (#v2[6] + 1) + 3) and v2[5] then for i = 1, #v2[6] do if menu:MouseInMenu( v2[3][1], v2[3][2] + 36 + ((i - 1) * 21), v2[3][3], 21 ) then v2[4][1].Text = v2[6][i] v2[1] = i set_dropboxthingy(false, 400, 200, 160, 1, { "HI q", "HI q", "HI q" }) v2[5] = false newdropbox_open = nil end end if v2 == menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["Configs"] then local textbox = menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"] local relconfigs = GetConfigs() textbox[1] = relconfigs[menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["Configs"][1]] textbox[4].Text = textbox[1] end end elseif v2[2] == "combobox" then if menu.dropbox_open then if v2 ~= menu.dropbox_open then continue end end if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 36) then if not v2[5] then set_comboboxthingy( true, v2[3][1] + menu.x + 1, v2[3][2] + menu.y + 13, v2[3][3], v2[1], v2[6] ) v2[5] = true newdropbox_open = v2 else set_dropboxthingy(false, 400, 200, 160, 1, { "HI q", "HI q", "HI q" }) v2[5] = false newdropbox_open = nil end elseif menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 24 * (#v2[1] + 1) + 3) and v2[5] then for i = 1, #v2[1] do if menu:MouseInMenu( v2[3][1], v2[3][2] + 36 + ((i - 1) * 22), v2[3][3], 23 ) then v2[1][i][2] = not v2[1][i][2] local textthing = "" for k, v in pairs(v2[1]) do if v[2] then if textthing == "" then textthing = v[1] else textthing = textthing .. ", " .. v[1] end end end textthing = textthing ~= "" and textthing or "None" if string.len(textthing) > 25 then textthing = string_cut(textthing, 25) end v2[4][1].Text = textthing set_comboboxthingy( true, v2[3][1] + menu.x + 1, v2[3][2] + menu.y + 13, v2[3][3], v2[1], v2[6] ) end end end elseif v2[2] == "button" and not menu.dropbox_open then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 22) then if not v2[1] then buttonpressed(v2) if k2 == "Unload Cheat" then return end for i = 0, 8 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) }, [2] = { start = 8, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, }) end v2[1] = true end end elseif v2[2] == "textbox" and not menu.dropbox_open then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 22) then if not v2[5] then menu.textboxopen = v2 v2[4].Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) v2[5] = true end end elseif v2[2] == "list" then --[[ menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name] = {} menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name][4] = Draw:List(v2.name, v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16, v2.size, v2.columns, tabz[k]) menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name][1] = nil menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name][2] = v2.type menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name][3] = 1 menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name][5] = {} menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name][6] = v2.size menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name][7] = v2.columns menu.options[v.name][v1.name][v2.name][8] = {v1.x + 8, v1.y + y_pos, v1.width - 16} ]] -- if #v2[5] > v2[6] then for i = 1, v2[6] do if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[8][1], v2[8][2] + (i * 22) - 5, v2[8][3], 22) then if v2[1] == tostring(v2[5][i + v2[3] - 1][1][1]) then v2[1] = nil else v2[1] = tostring(v2[5][i + v2[3] - 1][1][1]) end end end else for i = 1, #v2[5] do if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[8][1], v2[8][2] + (i * 22) - 5, v2[8][3], 22) then if v2[1] == tostring(v2[5][i + v2[3] - 1][1][1]) then v2[1] = nil else v2[1] = tostring(v2[5][i + v2[3] - 1][1][1]) end end end end end end end end end end menu.dropbox_open = newdropbox_open end for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" then if v2[6] then if not menu:GetVal("Settings", "Cheat Settings", "Allow Unsafe Features") then v2[1] = false for i = 0, 3 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 3, color = RGB(30, 30, 30) }, }) end end end end end end end if menu.open then if menu.options["Settings"]["Cheat Settings"]["Menu Accent"][1] then local clr = menu.options["Settings"]["Cheat Settings"]["Menu Accent"][5][1] menu.mc = { clr[1], clr[2], clr[3] } else menu.mc = { 127, 72, 163 } end menu:set_menu_clr(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) local wme = menu:GetVal("Settings", "Cheat Settings", "Watermark") for k, v in pairs(menu.watermark.rect) do v.Visible = wme end menu.watermark.text[1].Visible = wme end end local function mousebutton1upfunc() cp.dragging_m = false cp.dragging_r = false cp.dragging_b = false for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "slider" and v2[5] then v2[5] = false end if v2[2] == "button" and v2[1] then for i = 0, 8 do v2[4][i + 1].Color = ColorRange(i, { [1] = { start = 0, color = RGB(50, 50, 50) }, [2] = { start = 8, color = RGB(35, 35, 35) }, }) end v2[1] = false end end end end end end local clickspot_x, clickspot_y, original_menu_x, original_menu_y = 0, 0, 0, 0 menu.connections.mwf = LOCAL_MOUSE.WheelForward:Connect(function() if menu.open then for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "list" then if v2[3] > 1 then v2[3] -= 1 end end end end end end end end) menu.connections.mwb = LOCAL_MOUSE.WheelBackward:Connect(function() if menu.open then for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "list" then if v2[5][v2[3] + v2[6]] ~= nil then v2[3] += 1 end end end end end end end end) function menu:set_menu_alphaparency(transparency) for k, v in pairs(bbmouse) do v.Transparency = transparency / 255 end for k, v in pairs(bbmenu) do v.Transparency = transparency / 255 end for k, v in pairs(tabz[menu.activetab]) do v.Transparency = transparency / 255 end end function menu:set_menu_visibility(visible) for k, v in pairs(bbmouse) do v.Visible = visible end for k, v in pairs(bbmenu) do v.Visible = visible end for k, v in pairs(tabz[menu.activetab]) do v.Visible = visible end if visible then for k, v in pairs(menu.multigroups) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do for k2, v2 in pairs(v1.vals) do for k3, v3 in pairs(menu.mgrouptabz[k][k2]) do v3.Visible = v2 end end end end end end end menu:set_menu_alphaparency(0) menu:set_menu_visibility(false) menu.lastActive = true menu.open = false menu.windowactive = true menu.connections.mousemoved = MouseMoved:connect(function(b) menu.windowactive = iswindowactive() or b end) local function renderSteppedMenu(fdt) menu.dt = fdt if menu.unloaded then return end SCREEN_SIZE = Camera.ViewportSize -- i pasted the old menu working ingame shit from the old source nate pls fix ty -- this is the really shitty alive check that we've been using since day one -- removed it :DDD -- im keepin all of our comments they're fun to look at -- i wish it showed comment dates that would be cool -- nah that would suck fk u (comment made on 3/4/2021 3:35 pm est by bitch) if menu.lastActive ~= menu.windowactive then setfpscap(menu.windowactive and (maxfps or 144) or 15) end menu.lastActive = menu.windowactive for button, time in next, buttonsInQue do if time and tick() - time < doubleclickDelay then button[4].text.Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) button[4].text.Text = "Confirm?" else button[4].text.Color = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) button[4].text.Text = button.name end end INPUT_SERVICE.MouseBehavior = menu.open and Enum.MouseBehavior.Default or Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter --[[ if menu.open then if client.char.alive then INPUT_SERVICE.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default else INPUT_SERVICE.MouseIconEnabled = false end else if client.char.alive then INPUT_SERVICE.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter INPUT_SERVICE.MouseIconEnabled = false else INPUT_SERVICE.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default INPUT_SERVICE.MouseIconEnabled = true end end ]] if menu.open then if menu.backspaceheld then local dt = tick() - menu.backspacetime if dt > 0.4 then menu.backspaceflags += 1 if menu.backspaceflags % 5 == 0 then local textbox = menu.textboxopen textbox[1] = string.sub(textbox[1], 0, #textbox[1] - 1) textbox[4].Text = textbox[1] .. "|" end end end end if menu.fading then if menu.open then local timesincefade = tick() - menu.fadestart local fade_amount = 255 - math.floor((timesincefade * 10) * 255) set_plusminus(0, 20, 20) menu:set_menu_alphaparency(fade_amount) if fade_amount <= 0 then menu.open = false menu.fading = false menu:set_menu_alphaparency(0) menu:set_menu_visibility(false) else menu:set_menu_alphaparency(fade_amount) end else menu:set_menu_visibility(true) setActiveTab(menu.activetab) local timesincefade = tick() - menu.fadestart local fade_amount = math.floor((timesincefade * 10) * 255) menu.fadeamount = fade_amount menu:set_menu_alphaparency(fade_amount) if fade_amount >= 255 then menu.open = true menu.fading = false menu:set_menu_alphaparency(255) else menu:set_menu_alphaparency(fade_amount) end end end menu:set_mouse_pos(LOCAL_MOUSE.x, LOCAL_MOUSE.y) set_tooltip(nil, nil, nil, false, fdt) if menu.open or menu.fading then set_plusminus(0, 20, 20) for k, v in pairs(menu.options) do if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == k then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do local pass = true for k3, v3 in pairs(menu.multigroups) do if k == k3 then for k4, v4 in pairs(v3) do for k5, v5 in pairs(v4.vals) do if k1 == k5 then pass = v5 end end end end end if pass then for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do if v2[2] == "toggle" then if not menu.dropbox_open and not menu.colorpicker_open then if menu.open and menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], 30 + v2[4][5].TextBounds.x, 16) then if v2.tooltip then set_tooltip( menu.x + v2[3][1], menu.y + v2[3][2] + 18, v2.tooltip, true, fdt * 2--[[this is really fucking stupid]] ) end end end elseif v2[2] == "slider" then if v2[5] then local new_val = (v2[6][2] - v2[6][1]) * ( ( LOCAL_MOUSE.x - menu.x - v2[3][1] ) / v2[3][3] ) v2[1] = ( not v2.decimal and math.floor(new_val) or math.floor(new_val / v2.decimal) * v2.decimal ) + v2[6][1] if v2[1] < v2[6][1] then v2[1] = v2[6][1] elseif v2[1] > v2[6][2] then v2[1] = v2[6][2] end local decplaces = v2.decimal and string.rep("0", math.log(1 / v2.decimal) / math.log(10)) if decplaces and math.abs(v2[1]) < v2.decimal then v2[1] = 0 end v2[4][5].Text = v2.custom[v2[1]] or (v2[1] == math.floor(v2[1]) and v2.decimal) and tostring(v2[1]) .. "." .. decplaces .. v2[4][6] or tostring(v2[1]) .. v2[4][6] for i = 1, 4 do v2[4][i].Size = Vector2.new( (v2[3][3] - 4) * ((v2[1] - v2[6][1]) / (v2[6][2] - v2[6][1])), 2 ) end set_plusminus(1, v2[7][1], v2[7][2]) else if not menu.dropbox_open then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[3][1], v2[3][2], v2[3][3], 28) then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[7][1], v2[7][2], 22, 13) then if menu:MouseInMenu(v2[7][1], v2[7][2], 11, 13) then set_plusminus(2, v2[7][1], v2[7][2]) elseif menu:MouseInMenu(v2[7][1] + 11, v2[7][2], 11, 13) then set_plusminus(3, v2[7][1], v2[7][2]) end else set_plusminus(1, v2[7][1], v2[7][2]) end end end end elseif v2[2] == "list" then for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[4].liststuff) do for i, v4 in ipairs(v3) do for i1, v5 in ipairs(v4) do v5.Visible = false end end end for i = 1, v2[6] do if v2[5][i + v2[3] - 1] ~= nil then for i1 = 1, v2[7] do v2[4].liststuff.words[i][i1].Text = v2[5][i + v2[3] - 1][i1][1] v2[4].liststuff.words[i][i1].Visible = true if v2[5][i + v2[3] - 1][i1][1] == v2[1] and i1 == 1 then if menu.options["Settings"]["Cheat Settings"]["Menu Accent"][1] then local clr = menu.options["Settings"]["Cheat Settings"]["Menu Accent"][5][1] v2[4].liststuff.words[i][i1].Color = RGB(clr[1], clr[2], clr[3]) else v2[4].liststuff.words[i][i1].Color = RGB(menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3]) end else v2[4].liststuff.words[i][i1].Color = v2[5][i + v2[3] - 1][i1][2] end end for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[4].liststuff.rows[i]) do v3.Visible = true end elseif v2[3] > 1 then v2[3] -= 1 end end if v2[3] == 1 then for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[4].uparrow) do if v3.Visible then v3.Visible = false end end else for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[4].uparrow) do if not v3.Visible then v3.Visible = true menu:SetMenuPos(menu.x, menu.y) end end end if v2[5][v2[3] + v2[6]] == nil then for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[4].downarrow) do if v3.Visible then v3.Visible = false end end else for k3, v3 in pairs(v2[4].downarrow) do if not v3.Visible then v3.Visible = true menu:SetMenuPos(menu.x, menu.y) end end end end end end end end end menu.inmenu = LOCAL_MOUSE.x > menu.x and LOCAL_MOUSE.x < menu.x + menu.w and LOCAL_MOUSE.y > menu.y - 32 and LOCAL_MOUSE.y < menu.y + menu.h menu.inmiddlemenu = LOCAL_MOUSE.x > menu.x + 9 and LOCAL_MOUSE.x < menu.x + menu.w - 9 and LOCAL_MOUSE.y > menu.y - 9 and LOCAL_MOUSE.y < menu.y + menu.h - 47 if ( --[[( LOCAL_MOUSE.x > menu.x and LOCAL_MOUSE.x < menu.x + menu.w and LOCAL_MOUSE.y > menu.y - 32 and LOCAL_MOUSE.y < menu.y - 11 )]] ( menu.inmenu and not menu.inmiddlemenu ) or menu.dragging ) and not menu.dontdrag then if menu.mousedown then if not menu.dragging then clickspot_x = LOCAL_MOUSE.x clickspot_y = LOCAL_MOUSE.y - 36 original_menu_X = menu.x original_menu_y = menu.y menu.dragging = true end menu.x = (original_menu_X - clickspot_x) + LOCAL_MOUSE.x menu.y = (original_menu_y - clickspot_y) + LOCAL_MOUSE.y - 36 if menu.y < 0 then menu.y = 0 end if menu.x < -menu.w / 4 * 3 then menu.x = -menu.w / 4 * 3 end if menu.x + menu.w / 4 > SCREEN_SIZE.x then menu.x = SCREEN_SIZE.x - menu.w / 4 end if menu.y > SCREEN_SIZE.y - 20 then menu.y = SCREEN_SIZE.y - 20 end menu:SetMenuPos(menu.x, menu.y) else menu.dragging = false end elseif menu.mousedown then menu.dontdrag = true elseif not menu.mousedown then menu.dontdrag = false end if menu.colorpicker_open then if cp.dragging_m then set_dragbar_m( clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.x, cp.x + 12, cp.x + 167) - 2, clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36, cp.y + 25, cp.y + 180) - 2 ) cp.hsv.s = (clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.x, cp.x + 12, cp.x + 167) - cp.x - 12) / 155 cp.hsv.v = 1 - ((clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36, cp.y + 23, cp.y + 178) - cp.y - 23) / 155) newcolor.Color = Color3.fromHSV(cp.hsv.h, cp.hsv.s, cp.hsv.v) elseif cp.dragging_r then set_dragbar_r(cp.x + 175, clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36, cp.y + 23, cp.y + 178)) maincolor.Color = Color3.fromHSV( 1 - ((clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36, cp.y + 23, cp.y + 178) - cp.y - 23) / 155), 1, 1 ) cp.hsv.h = 1 - ((clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.y + 36, cp.y + 23, cp.y + 178) - cp.y - 23) / 155) newcolor.Color = Color3.fromHSV(cp.hsv.h, cp.hsv.s, cp.hsv.v) elseif cp.dragging_b then set_dragbar_b(clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.x, cp.x + 10, cp.x + 168), cp.y + 188) newcolor.Transparency = (clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.x, cp.x + 10, cp.x + 168) - cp.x - 10) / 158 cp.hsv.a = math.floor(((clamp(LOCAL_MOUSE.x, cp.x + 10, cp.x + 168) - cp.x - 10) / 158) * 255) else local setvisnew = menu:MouseInColorPicker(197, 37, 75, 40) for i, v in ipairs(newcopy) do v.Visible = setvisnew end local setvisold = menu:MouseInColorPicker(197, 91, 75, 40) for i, v in ipairs(oldcopy) do v.Visible = setvisold end end end else menu.dragging = false end end menu.connections.inputstart = INPUT_SERVICE.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if menu then if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then menu.mousedown = true if menu.open and not menu.fading then mousebutton1downfunc() end elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then if menu.open and not menu.fading then mousebutton2downfunc() end end if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then if input.KeyCode.Name:match("Shift") then local kcn = input.KeyCode.Name local direction = kcn:split("Shift")[1] menu.modkeys.shift.direction = direction:lower() end if input.KeyCode.Name:match("Alt") then local kcn = input.KeyCode.Name local direction = kcn:split("Alt")[1] menu.modkeys.alt.direction = direction:lower() end end if not menu then return end -- this fixed shit with unload menu:InputBeganMenu(input) menu:InputBeganKeybinds(input) if menu.open then if menu.tabnames[menu.activetab] == "Settings" then bbmenu[27].Text = menu:GetVal("Settings", "Cheat Settings", "Custom Menu Name") and menu:GetVal("Settings", "Cheat Settings", "MenuName") or "Bitch Bot" menu.watermark.text[1].Text = menu.options["Settings"]["Cheat Settings"]["MenuName"][1] .. menu.watermark.textString for i, v in ipairs(menu.watermark.rect) do local len = #menu.watermark.text[1].Text * 7 + 10 if i == #menu.watermark.rect then len += 2 end v.Size = Vector2.new(len, v.Size.y) end end end if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Home then menu.stat_menu = not menu.stat_menu for k, v in pairs(graphs) do if k ~= "other" then for k1, v1 in pairs(v) do if k1 ~= "pos" then for k2, v2 in pairs(v1) do v2.Visible = menu.stat_menu end end end end end for k, v in pairs(graphs.other) do v.Visible = menu.stat_menu end end end end) menu.connections.inputended = INPUT_SERVICE.InputEnded:Connect(function(input) menu:InputEndedKeybinds(input) if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then menu.mousedown = false if menu.open and not menu.fading then mousebutton1upfunc() end end if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then if input.KeyCode.Name:match("Shift") then menu.modkeys.shift.direction = nil end if input.KeyCode.Name:match("Alt") then menu.modkeys.alt.direction = nil end end end) menu.connections.renderstepped = game.RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(renderSteppedMenu) -- fucking asshole 🖕🖕🖕 function menu:unload() getgenv().v2 = nil self.unloaded = true for k, conn in next, self.connections do if not getrawmetatable(conn) then conn() else conn:Disconnect() end self.connections[k] = nil end game:service("ContextActionService"):UnbindAction("BB Keycheck") --[[ if self.game == "pf" then game:service("ContextActionService"):UnbindAction("BB PF check") elseif self.game == "uni" then game:service("ContextActionService"):UnbindAction("BB UNI check") end ]] local mt = getrawmetatable(game) setreadonly(mt, false) local oldmt = menu.oldmt if oldmt then for k, v in next, mt do if oldmt[k] then mt[k] = oldmt[k] end end else --TODO nate do this please -- remember to store any "game" metatable hooks PLEASE PLEASE because this will ensure it replaces the meta so that it UNLOADS properly --rconsoleerr("fatal error: no old game meta found! (UNLOAD PROBABLY WON'T WORK AS EXPECTED)") end setreadonly(mt, true) if menu.game == "pf" or menu.pfunload then menu:pfunload() end Draw:UnRender() CreateNotification = nil allrender = nil menu = nil Draw = nil self.unloaded = true end end local StatMenuRendered = event.new("StatMenuRendered") menu.connections.heartbeatmenu = game.RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() --ANCHOR MENU HEARTBEAT if menu.y < 0 then menu.y = 0 menu:SetMenuPos(menu.x, 0) end if menu.x < -menu.w / 4 * 3 then menu.x = -menu.w / 4 * 3 menu:SetMenuPos(-menu.w / 4 * 3, menu.y) end if menu.x + menu.w / 4 > SCREEN_SIZE.x then menu.x = SCREEN_SIZE.x - menu.w / 4 menu:SetMenuPos(SCREEN_SIZE.x - menu.w / 4, menu.y) end if menu.y > SCREEN_SIZE.y - 20 then menu.y = SCREEN_SIZE.y - 20 menu:SetMenuPos(menu.x, SCREEN_SIZE.y - 20) end if menu.stat_menu == false then return end end) local function keycheck(actionName, inputState, inputObject) if actionName == "BB Keycheck" then if menu.open then if menu.textboxopen then if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then if menu.selectall then menu.textboxopen[1] = "" menu.textboxopen[4].Text = "|" menu.textboxopen[4].Color = RGB(unpack(menu.mc)) menu.selectall = false end local on = inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin menu.backspaceheld = on menu.backspacetime = on and tick() or -1 if not on then menu.backspaceflags = 0 end end if inputObject.KeyCode ~= Enum.KeyCode.A and (not inputObject.KeyCode.Name:match("^Left") and not inputObject.KeyCode.Name:match("^Right")) and inputObject.KeyCode ~= Enum.KeyCode.RightShift then if menu.selectall then menu.textboxopen[4].Color = RGB(unpack(menu.mc)) menu.selectall = false end end if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.A then if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and INPUT_SERVICE:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then menu.selectall = true local textbox = menu.textboxopen textbox[4].Color = RGB(menu.mc[3], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[1]) end end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end end return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end end game:service("ContextActionService"):BindAction("BB Keycheck", keycheck, false, Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard) menu.Initialize({ { --ANCHOR stuffs name = "Legit", content = { { name = "Aim Assist", autopos = "left", content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, callback = function(bool) print(bool) end}, { type = "slider", name = "Aimbot FOV", value = 20, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 180, stradd = "°", }, { type = "slider", name = "Smoothing", value = 20, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Smoothing Type", value = 2, values = { "Exponential", "Linear" }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Randomization", value = 5, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 20, custom = { [0] = "Off" }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Deadzone FOV", value = 1, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 50, stradd = "°", decimal = 0.1, custom = { [0] = "Off" }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Aimbot Key", value = 1, values = { "Mouse 1", "Mouse 2", "Always" }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Hitscan Priority", value = 1, values = { "Head", "Body", "Closest" }, }, { type = "combobox", name = "Hitscan Points", values = { { "Head", true }, { "Body", true }, { "Arms", false }, { "Legs", false } }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Adjust for Bullet Drop", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Target Prediction", value = false, }, { type = "slider", name = "Enlarge Enemy Hitboxes", value = 0, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, }, }, { name = "Trigger Bot", autopos = "right", content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", key = Enum.KeyCode.M, }, }, { type = "combobox", name = "Trigger Bot Hitboxes", values = { { "Head", true }, { "Body", true }, { "Arms", false }, { "Legs", false } }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Trigger When Aiming", value = false, }, { type = "slider", name = "Aim Percentage", minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, value = 90, stradd = "%", }, --[[ { type = "toggle", name = "Magnet Triggerbot", value = false }, { type = "slider", name = "Magnet FOV", value = 80, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 180, stradd = "°" }, { type = "slider", name = "Magnet Smoothing Factor", value = 20, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 50, stradd = "%" }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Magnet Priority", value = 1, values = {"Head", "Body"} },]] }, }, { name = "Bullet Redirection", autopos = "right", autofill = true, content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Silent Aim", value = false, }, { type = "slider", name = "Silent Aim FOV", value = 5, minvalue = 0.1, maxvalue = 180, stradd = "°", decimal = 0.1, }, { type = "slider", name = "Hit Chance", value = 30, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, { type = "slider", name = "Accuracy", value = 90, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Hitscan Priority", value = 1, values = { "Head", "Body", "Closest" }, }, { type = "combobox", name = "Hitscan Points", values = { { "Head", true }, { "Body", true }, { "Arms", false }, { "Legs", false } }, }, }, }, { name = "Recoil Control", autopos = "left", autofill = true, content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Weapon RCS", value = false, }, { type = "slider", name = "Recoil Control X", value = 10, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, { type = "slider", name = "Recoil Control Y", value = 10, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, }, }, }, }, { name = "Rage", content = { { name = "Aimbot", autopos = "left", content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", toggletype = 4, }, unsafe = true, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Silent Aim", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Rotate Viewmodel", value = false, }, { type = "slider", name = "Aimbot FOV", value = 180, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 181, stradd = "°", custom = { [181] = "Ignored" }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Auto Wall", value = 1, values = { "Off", "Standard", "Legacy" }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Autowall FPS (Standard)", value = 30, minvalue = 10, maxvalue = 30, stradd = "fps", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Auto Shoot", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Double Tap", value = false, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Hitscan Priority", value = 1, values = { "Head", "Body" }, }, }, }, { name = "Hack vs. Hack", autopos = "right", content = { --[[{ type = "toggle", name = "Extend Penetration", value = false },]] -- { -- type = "slider", -- name = "Extra Penetration", -- value = 11, -- minvalue = 1, -- maxvalue = 20, -- stradd = " studs", -- tooltip = "does nothing", -- }, -- fuck u json { type = "toggle", name = "Autowall Hitscan", value = false, unsafe = true, }, { type = "combobox", name = "Hitscan Points", values = { { "Up", true }, { "Down", true }, { "Left", false }, { "Right", false }, { "Forward", true }, { "Backward", true }, { "Origin", true }, { "Towards", true }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Hitbox Shifting", value = false, tooltip = "Increases possible penetration with Autowall. The higher\nthe Hitbox Shift Distance the more likely it is to miss shots.\nWhen it misses it will try disable this.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Hitbox Shift Distance", value = 16, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 30, stradd = " studs", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Force Player Stances", value = false, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Stance Choice", value = 1, values = { "Stand", "Crouch", "Prone" }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Backtracking", value = false, }, { type = "slider", name = "Backtracking Time", value = 4000, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 5000, stradd = " ms", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Freestanding", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", }, }, }, }, { name = { "Extra", "Settings" }, autopos = "left", autofill = true, [1] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Knife Bot", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", }, unsafe = true, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Knife Bot Type", value = 2, values = { "Assist", "Multi Aura", "Flight Aura" }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Auto Peek", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", toggletype = 1, }, tooltip = "Hitscans from in front of your camera,\nif a target is found it will move you towards the point automatically", }, }, }, [2] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Aimbot Performance Mode", value = true, tooltip = "Lowers polling rate for targetting in Rage Aimbot.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Aimbot Damage Prediction", value = true, tooltip = "Predicts damage done to enemies as to prevent wasting ammo and time on certain players.\nHelps for users, and against players with high latency.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Damage Prediction Limit", value = 100, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 300, stradd = "hp", }, { type = "slider", name = "Damage Prediction Time", value = 200, minvalue = 100, maxvalue = 500, stradd = "%", }, { type = "slider", name = "Max Hitscan Points", value = 30, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 300, stradd = " points", }, }, }, }, { name = { "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag" }, autopos = "right", autofill = true, [1] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, tooltip = "When this is enabled, your server-side yaw, pitch and stance are set to the values in this tab.", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Pitch", value = 4, values = { "Off", "Up", "Zero", "Down", "Upside Down", "Roll Forward", "Roll Backward", "Random", "Bob", "Glitch", }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Yaw", value = 2, values = { "Forward", "Backward", "Spin", "Random", "Glitch Spin", "Stutter Spin" }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Spin Rate", value = 10, minvalue = -100, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "°/s", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Force Stance", value = 4, values = { "Off", "Stand", "Crouch", "Prone" }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Hide in Floor", value = true, tooltip = "Shifts your body slightly under the ground\nso as to hide it when Force Stance is set to Prone.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Lower Arms", value = false, tooltip = "Lowers your arms on the server.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Tilt Neck", value = false, tooltip = "Forces the replicated aiming state so that it appears as though your head is tilted.", }, }, }, [2] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, }, { type = "slider", name = "Fake Lag Amount", value = 1, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 1000, stradd = " kbps", }, { type = "slider", name = "Fake Lag Distance", value = 1, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 40, stradd = " studs", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Manual Choke", extra = { type = "keybind", }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Release Packets on Shoot", value = false, }, }, }, }, }, }, { name = "Visuals", content = { { name = { "Enemy ESP", "Team ESP", "Local" }, autopos = "left", size = 330, [1] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = true, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Name", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Enemy Name", color = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Rank", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Box", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Enemy Box", color = { 255, 0, 0, 150 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Filled Box", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Enemy Filled Box", color = { 255, 0, 0, 90 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Health Bar", value = true, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Enemy Low Health", "Enemy Max Health" }, color = { { 255, 0, 0 }, { 0, 255, 0 } }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Health Number", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Enemy Health Number", color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Held Weapon", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Enemy Held Weapon", color = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Distance", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Enemy Distance", color = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Chams", value = true, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Visible Enemy Chams", "Invisible Enemy Chams" }, color = { { 255, 0, 0, 200 }, { 100, 0, 0, 100 } }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Skeleton", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Enemy skeleton", color = { 255, 255, 255, 120 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Out of View", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Arrow Color", color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Arrow Distance", value = 50, minvalue = 10, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Dynamic Arrow Size", value = true, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Show Resolved Position", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Show Backtracked Position", value = false, }, }, }, [2] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Name", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Team Name", color = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Rank", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Box", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Team Box", color = { 0, 255, 0, 150 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Filled Box", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Team Filled Box", color = { 0, 255, 0, 90 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Health Bar", value = false, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Team Low Health", "Team Max Health" }, color = { { 255, 0, 0 }, { 0, 255, 0 } }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Health Number", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Team Health Number", color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Held Weapon", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Team Held Weapon", color = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Distance", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Team Distance", color = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Chams", value = false, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Visible Team Chams", "Invisible Team Chams" }, color = { { 0, 255, 0, 200 }, { 0, 100, 0, 100 } }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Skeleton", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Team skeleton", color = { 255, 255, 255, 120 }, }, }, }, }, [3] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Arm Chams", value = false, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Sleeve Color", "Hand Color" }, color = { { 106, 136, 213, 255 }, { 181, 179, 253, 255 } }, }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Arm Material", value = 1, values = { "Plastic", "Ghost", "Neon", "Foil", "Glass" }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Weapon Chams", value = false, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Weapon Color", "Laser Color" }, color = { { 106, 136, 213, 255 }, { 181, 179, 253, 255 } }, }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Weapon Material", value = 1, values = { "Plastic", "Ghost", "Neon", "Foil", "Glass" }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Animate Ghost Material", value = false, tooltip = "Toggles whether or not the 'Ghost' material will be animated or not.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Remove Weapon Skin", value = false, tooltip = "If a loaded weapon has a skin, it will remove it.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Third Person", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", key = nil, toggletype = 2, }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Third Person Distance", value = 60, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 150, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Local Player Chams", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Local Player Chams", color = { 106, 136, 213, 255 }, }, tooltip = "Changes the color and material of the local third person body when it is on.", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Local Player Material", value = 1, values = { "Plastic", "Ghost", "Neon", "Foil", "Glass" }, }, }, }, }, { name = "ESP Settings", autopos = "left", autofill = true, content = { { type = "slider", name = "Max HP Visibility Cap", value = 90, minvalue = 50, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "hp", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Text Case", value = 2, values = { "lowercase", "Normal", "UPPERCASE" }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Max Text Length", value = 0, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 32, custom = { [0] = "Unlimited" }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Highlight Aimbot Target", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Aimbot Target", color = { 255, 0, 0, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Highlight Friends", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Friended Players", color = { 0, 255, 255, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Highlight Priority", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Priority Players", color = { 255, 210, 0, 255 }, }, }, -- { -- type = "slider", -- name = "Max Player Text", -- value = 0, -- minvalue = 0, -- maxvalue = 32, -- custom = {[0] = "None"}, -- } }, }, { name = { "Camera Visuals", "Viewmodel" }, autopos = "right", size = 240, [1] = { content = { { type = "slider", name = "Camera FOV", value = 85, minvalue = 60, maxvalue = 120, stradd = "°", }, { type = "toggle", name = "No Camera Bob", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "No Scope Sway", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Disable ADS FOV", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "No Scope Border", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "No Visual Suppression", value = false, tooltip = "Removes the suppression of enemies' bullets.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "No Gun Bob or Sway", value = false, tooltip = "Removes the bob and sway of weapons when walking.\nThis does not remove the swing effect when moving your mouse.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Reduce Camera Recoil", value = false, tooltip = "Reduces camera recoil by X%. Does not affect visible weapon recoil or kick.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Camera Recoil Reduction", value = 10, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, }, }, [2] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, }, { type = "slider", name = "Offset X", value = 0, minvalue = -3, maxvalue = 3, decimal = 0.01, stradd = " studs", }, { type = "slider", name = "Offset Y", value = 0, minvalue = -3, maxvalue = 3, decimal = 0.01, stradd = " studs", }, { type = "slider", name = "Offset Z", value = 0, minvalue = -3, maxvalue = 3, decimal = 0.01, stradd = " studs", }, { type = "slider", name = "Pitch", value = 0, minvalue = -180, maxvalue = 180, stradd = "°", }, { type = "slider", name = "Yaw", value = 0, minvalue = -180, maxvalue = 180, stradd = "°", }, { type = "slider", name = "Roll", value = 0, minvalue = -180, maxvalue = 180, stradd = "°", }, }, }, }, { name = { "World", "Misc", "Keybinds", "FOV" }, autopos = "right", size = 144, [1] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Ambience", value = false, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Inside Ambience", "Outside Ambience" }, color = { { 117, 76, 236 }, { 117, 76, 236 } }, }, tooltip = "Changes the map's ambient colors to the user defined colors.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Force Time", value = false, tooltip = "Forces the time to the time set by the user below.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Custom Time", value = 0, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 24, decimal = 0.1, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Custom Saturation", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Saturation Tint", color = { 255, 255, 255 }, }, tooltip = "Adds custom saturation the image of the game.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Saturation Density", value = 0, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, }, }, [2] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Crosshair Color", value = false, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Inline", "Outline" }, color = { { 127, 72, 163 }, { 25, 25, 25 } }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Laser Pointer", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Laser Pointer Color", color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Ragdoll Chams", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Ragdoll Chams", color = { 106, 136, 213, 255 }, }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Ragdoll Material", value = 1, values = { "Plastic", "Ghost", "Neon", "Foil", "Glass" }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Bullet Tracers", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Bullet Tracers", color = { 201, 69, 54 }, }, }, }, }, [3] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Text Color", color = { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Use List Sizes", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Log Keybinds", value = false } }, }, [4] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Aim Assist", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Aim Assist FOV", color = { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Aim Assist Deadzone", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Deadzone FOV", color = { 50, 50, 50, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Bullet Redirection", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Bullet Redirection FOV", color = { 163, 72, 127, 255 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Ragebot", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Ragebot FOV", color = { 255, 210, 0, 255 }, }, }, }, }, }, { name = "Dropped ESP", autopos = "right", autofill = true, content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Weapon Names", value = false, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Highlighted Weapons", "Weapon Names" }, color = { { 255, 125, 255, 255 }, { 255, 255, 255, 255 } }, }, tooltip = "Displays dropped weapons as you get closer to them,\nHighlights the weapon you are holding in the second color.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Weapon Ammo", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Weapon Ammo", color = { 61, 168, 235, 150 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Dropped Weapon Chams", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Dropped Weapon Color", color = { 3, 252, 161, 150 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Grenade Warning", value = true, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Slider Color", color = { 68, 92, 227 }, }, tooltip = "Displays where grenades that will deal\ndamage to you will land and the damage they will deal.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Grenade ESP", value = false, extra = { type = "double colorpicker", name = { "Inner Color", "Outer Color" }, color = { { 195, 163, 255 }, { 123, 69, 224 } }, }, tooltip = "Displays the full path of any grenade that will deal damage to you is thrown.", }, }, }, }, }, { name = "Misc", content = { { name = { "Movement", "Tweaks" }, autopos = "left", size = 250, [1] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Fly", value = false, unsafe = true, tooltip = "Manipulates your velocity to make you fly.\nUse 60 speed or below to never get flagged.", extra = { type = "keybind", key = Enum.KeyCode.B, toggletype = 2, }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Fly Speed", value = 60, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 400, stradd = " stud/s", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Auto Jump", value = false, tooltip = "When you hold the spacebar, it will automatically jump repeatedly, ignoring jump delay.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Speed", value = false, unsafe = true, tooltip = "Manipulates your velocity to make you move faster, unlike fly it doesn't make you fly.\nUse 60 speed or below to never get flagged.", extra = { type = "keybind", toggletype = 4, }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Speed Type", value = 1, values = { "Always", "In Air", "On Hop" }, }, { type = "slider", name = "Speed Factor", value = 40, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 400, stradd = " stud/s", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Circle Strafe", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", }, tooltip = "When you hold this keybind, it will strafe in a perfect circle.\nSpeed of strafing is borrowed from Speed Factor.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Bypass Speed Checks", value = false, unsafe = true, tooltip = "Attempts to bypass maximum speed limit on the server.", }, }, }, [2] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Gravity Shift", value = false, tooltip = "Shifts movement gravity by X%. (Does not affect bullet acceleration.)", }, { type = "slider", name = "Gravity Shift Percentage", value = -50, minvalue = -500, maxvalue = 500, stradd = "%", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Jump Power", value = false, tooltip = "Shifts movement jump power by X%.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Jump Power Percentage", value = 150, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 1000, stradd = "%", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Prevent Fall Damage", value = false, }, }, }, }, { name = "Weapon Modifications", autopos = "left", autofill = true, content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Enabled", value = false, tooltip = "Allows Bitch Bot to modify weapons.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Fire Rate Scale", value = 150, minvalue = 50, maxvalue = 500, stradd = "%", tooltip = "Scales all weapons' firerate by X%.\n100% = Normal firerate", }, { type = "slider", name = "Recoil Scale", value = 10, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", tooltip = "Scales all weapons' recoil by X%.\n0% = No recoil | 50% = Halved recoil", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Remove Animations", value = true, tooltip = "Removes all animations from any gun.\nThis will also completely remove the equipping animations.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Instant Equip", value = true, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Fully Automatic", value = true, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Run and Gun", value = false, tooltip = "Makes it so that your weapon does not\nsway due to mouse movement, or turns over while sprinting.", }, }, }, { name = { "Extra", "Exploits" }, autopos = "right", autofill = true, [1] = { content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Ignore Friends", value = true, tooltip = "When turned on, bullets do not deal damage to friends,\nand Rage modules won't target friends.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Target Only Priority Players", value = false, tooltip = "When turned on, all modules except for Aim Assist that target players\nwill ignore anybody that isn't on the Priority list.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Suppress Only", value = false, tooltip = "When turned on, bullets do not deal damage.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Auto Respawn", value = false, tooltip = "Automatically respawns after deaths.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Auto Vote", value = false, tooltip = "When votekicks are started, Bitch Bot will automatically choose\nwhat choice to make depending on the options below.", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Vote Friends", value = 1, values = { "Off", "Yes", "No" }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Vote Priority", value = 1, values = { "Off", "Yes", "No" }, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Default Vote", value = 1, values = { "Off", "Yes", "No" }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Kill Sound", value = false, }, { type = "textbox", name = "killsoundid", text = "6229978482", tooltip = "The Roblox sound ID or file inside of synapse\n workspace to play when Kill Sound is on.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Kill Sound Volume", value = 20, minvalue = 0, maxvalue = 100, stradd = "%", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Kill Say", value = false, tooltip = "Kill say messages, located in bitchbot/killsay.txt \n[name] is the target's name\n[weapon] is the weapon used\n[hitbox] says head or body depending on where you shot the player", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Chat Spam", value = 1, values = { "Off", "Original", "t0nymode", "Chinese Propaganda", "Emojis", "Deluxe", "Youtube Title", "Custom", "Custom Combination", }, tooltip = "Spams chat, Custom options are located in the bitchbot/chatspam.txt", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Chat Spam Repeat", value = false, tooltip = "Repeats the same Chat Spam message in chat.", }, { type = "slider", name = "Chat Spam Delay", minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 10, value = 5, stradd = " seconds", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Auto Martyrdom", value = false, tooltip = "Whenever you die to an enemy, this will drop a grenade\nat your death position. If Grenade Teleport is on, it will place the grenade at the enemy.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Break Windows", value = false, tooltip = "Breaks all windows in the map when you spawn." }, { type = "button", name = "Join New Game", value = false, unsafe = false, doubleclick = true, }, }, }, [2] = { content = { --[[{ type = "toggle", name = "Super Invisibility", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind" } },]] { type = "button", name = "Crash Server", doubleclick = true, tooltip = "Attempts to overwhelm the server so that users are kicked for internet connection problems.\nRoblox may detect strange activity and automatically\nkick you for it before the server can crash.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Invisibility", extra = { type = "keybind", toggletype = 0, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Rapid Kill", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", toggletype = 0, }, tooltip = "Throws 3 grenades instantly on random enemies.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Auto Rapid Kill", value = false, tooltip = "Throws 3 grenades instantly on random enemies,\nthen respawns to do it again.\nWorks only when Rapid Kill is enabled.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Grenade Teleport", value = false, tooltip = "Sets any spawned grenade's position to the nearest enemy to your cursor and instantly explodes.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Crimwalk", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Teleport", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", toggletype = 0, }, tooltip = "When key pressed you will teleport to the mouse position", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Disable Crimwalk on Shot", value = true, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Vertical Floor Clip", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", toggletype = 0, }, tooltip = "Teleports you 19 studs under the ground. Must be over glass or non-collidable parts to work. \nHold Alt to go up, and Shift to go forwards.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Fake Equip", value = false, unsafe = true, }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Fake Slot", values = { "Primary", "Secondary", "Melee" }, value = 1, }, -- { -- type = "toggle", -- name = "Noclip", -- value = false, -- extra = { -- type = "keybind", -- key = nil -- }, -- unsafe = true, -- tooltip = "Allows you to noclip through most parts of the map. Must be over glass or non-collidable parts to work." -- }, -- { -- type = "toggle", -- name = "Fake Position", -- value = false, -- extra = { -- type = "keybind" -- }, -- unsafe = true, -- tooltip = "Fakes your server-side position. Works best when stationary, and allows you to be unhittable." -- }, { type = "toggle", name = "Lock Player Positions", value = false, extra = { type = "keybind", }, tooltip = "Locks all other players' positions.", }, { type = "toggle", name = "Skin Changer", value = false, tooltip = "While this is enabled, all custom skins will apply with the custom settings below.", extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Weapon Skin Color", color = { 127, 72, 163, 255 }, }, }, { type = "textbox", name = "skinchangerTexture", text = "6156783684", }, { type = "slider", name = "Scale X", value = 10, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 500, stradd = "%", }, { type = "slider", name = "Scale Y", value = 10, minvalue = 1, maxvalue = 500, stradd = "%", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Skin Material", value = 1, values = { "Plastic", "Ghost", "Neon", "Foil", "Glass" }, }, }, }, }, }, }, { name = "Settings", content = { { name = "Cheat Settings", x = menu.columns.left, y = menu.columns.right - 185, width = menu.columns.width, height = 182, content = { { type = "toggle", name = "Menu Accent", value = false, extra = { type = "single colorpicker", name = "Accent Color", color = { 127, 72, 163 }, }, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Watermark", value = true, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Custom Menu Name", value = MenuName and true or false, }, { type = "textbox", name = "MenuName", text = MenuName or "Bitch Bot", }, { type = "button", name = "Set Clipboard Game ID", }, { type = "button", name = "Unload Cheat", doubleclick = true, }, { type = "toggle", name = "Allow Unsafe Features", value = false, }, }, }, { name = "Configuration", x = menu.columns.right, y = menu.columns.left + 50, width = menu.columns.width, height = 182, content = { { type = "textbox", name = "ConfigName", file = true, text = "", }, { type = "dropbox", name = "Configs", value = 1, values = GetConfigs(), }, { type = "button", name = "Load Config", doubleclick = true, }, { type = "button", name = "Save Config", doubleclick = true, }, { type = "button", name = "Delete Config", doubleclick = true, }, }, }, }, }, }) do local wm = menu.watermark wm.textString = " | " .. "user" .. " | " .. os.date("%b. %d, %Y") wm.pos = Vector2.new(50, 9) wm.text = {} local fulltext = menu.options["Settings"]["Cheat Settings"]["MenuName"][1] .. wm.textString wm.width = #fulltext * 7 + 10 wm.height = 19 wm.rect = {} Draw:FilledRect( false, wm.pos.x, wm.pos.y + 1, wm.width, 2, { menu.mc[1] - 40, menu.mc[2] - 40, menu.mc[3] - 40, 255 }, wm.rect ) Draw:FilledRect(false, wm.pos.x, wm.pos.y, wm.width, 2, { menu.mc[1], menu.mc[2], menu.mc[3], 255 }, wm.rect) Draw:FilledRect(false, wm.pos.x, wm.pos.y + 3, wm.width, wm.height - 5, { 50, 50, 50, 255 }, wm.rect) for i = 0, wm.height - 4 do Draw:FilledRect( false, wm.pos.x, wm.pos.y + 3 + i, wm.width, 1, { 50 - i * 1.7, 50 - i * 1.7, 50 - i * 1.7, 255 }, wm.rect ) end Draw:OutlinedRect(false, wm.pos.x, wm.pos.y, wm.width, wm.height, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, wm.rect) Draw:OutlinedRect(false, wm.pos.x - 1, wm.pos.y - 1, wm.width + 2, wm.height + 2, { 0, 0, 0, 255 * 0.4 }, wm.rect) Draw:OutlinedText( fulltext, 2, false, wm.pos.x + 5, wm.pos.y + 3, 13, false, { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 0, 0, 0, 255 }, wm.text ) end --ANCHOR watermak for k, v in pairs(menu.watermark.rect) do v.Visible = true end menu.watermark.text[1].Visible = true local textbox = menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["ConfigName"] local relconfigs = GetConfigs() textbox[1] = relconfigs[menu.options["Settings"]["Configuration"]["Configs"][1]] textbox[4].Text = textbox[1] menu.load_time = math.floor((tick() - loadstart) * 1000) CreateNotification(string.format("Done loading the " .. menu.game .. " cheat. (%d ms)", menu.load_time)) CreateNotification("Press DELETE to open and close the menu!") loadingthing.Visible = false -- i do it this way because otherwise it would fuck up the Draw:UnRender function, it doesnt cause any lag sooooo if not menu.open then menu.fading = true menu.fadestart = tick() end menu.Initialize = true -- let me freeeeee -- not lettin u free asshole bitch -- i meant the program memory, alan............... fuckyouAlan_iHateYOU from v1 -- im changing all the var names that had typos by me back to what they were now because of this.... enjoy hieght.... -- wutw