Zalnis Billionaire Simulator 2 Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts—a popular scripting and programming language.
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1.Open Roblox And Start Playing 2.Click The Blue Circle To Copy The Script Code 3.Paste The Script Code Into Your Executor 4.Then Execute The Script Code 5.Enjoy
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Script Code
--[[ Rebirth: --Earth-- Auto Rebirth Rebirth Button Managers: --Earth / Heaven / Moon-- Auto Buy Buy the one you want Crates: --Earth-- Crate you want to open Auto Work: --Earth / Heaven / Moon-- Auto Work (will work for you without clicking) PS: GUYS FOR THE BUY THINGS AND MANAGERS ETC YOU NEED THE MONEY I WILL ADD THE MONEY IN NEXT UPDATE OF GUI ]] local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local Window = Library.CreateLib("Billionaire Simulator 2", "DarkTheme") local Main = Window:NewTab("Managers") local MainSection = Main:NewSection("Earth Manager") local earthToggleState = false local function moonfunction(hq, args) local hq100 = workspace.MoonHQs[hq].FactoryFunction.M2 hq100:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end local function executeRemoteSpy(hq, args) local hq99 = workspace.HQs[hq].FactoryFunction.M2 hq99:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end local function heavenRemoteSpy(hq, args) local hq98 = workspace.HeavenHQs[hq].FactoryFunction.M2 hq98:InvokeServer(unpack(args)) end MainSection:NewToggle("Auto Buy Managers", "When you get enough", function(earthmanager) earthToggleState = earthmanager if earthToggleState then getgenv().earth = true spawn(function() while getgenv().earth do wait() local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local hq for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "HQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.HQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq then for i = 1, 8 do local args = {i} executeRemoteSpy(hq, args) end end end end) else getgenv().earth = false end end) MainSection:NewDropdown("Manager Buy", "Select which manager you want to buy.", {"HotDog Manager","Retail Manager","Rogames Manager", "Warehouse Manager", "Crypto Manager", "Police Manager", "Tower Manager", "Bank Manager"}, function(SelectedLocation) local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local hq for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "HQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.HQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq then local hq1 = workspace.HQs[hq].FactoryFunction.M2 if SelectedLocation == "HotDog Manager" then hq1:InvokeServer(1) elseif SelectedLocation == "Retail Manager" then hq1:InvokeServer(2) elseif SelectedLocation == "Rogames Manager" then hq1:InvokeServer(3) elseif SelectedLocation == "Warehouse Manager" then hq1:InvokeServer(4) elseif SelectedLocation == "Crypto Manager" then hq1:InvokeServer(5) elseif SelectedLocation == "Police Manager" then hq1:InvokeServer(6) elseif SelectedLocation == "Tower Manager" then hq1:InvokeServer(7) elseif SelectedLocation == "Bank Manager" then hq1:InvokeServer(8) end end end) local MainSection = Main:NewSection("Heaven Managers") MainSection:NewToggle("Auto Buy Managers", "When you get enough money", function(heavenmanager) heavenToggleState = heavenmanager if heavenToggleState then getgenv().heaven = true spawn(function() while getgenv().heaven do wait() local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local hq for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "HeavenHQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.HeavenHQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq then for i = 1, 8 do local args = {i} heavenRemoteSpy(hq, args) end end end end) else getgenv().heaven = false end end) MainSection:NewDropdown("Manager Buy", "Select which manager you want to buy.", {"Cloud Manager","Golden Mirror Manager","Golden Cloud Manager", "Holy Gates Manager", "Angel Statue Manager", "Harp Manager", "Blessed Book Manager", "Throne Manager"}, function(SelectedLocation) local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local hq for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "HeavenHQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.HeavenHQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq then local hq2 = workspace.HeavenHQs[hq].FactoryFunction.M2 if SelectedLocation == "Cloud Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(1) elseif SelectedLocation == "Golden Mirror Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(2) elseif SelectedLocation == "Golden Cloud Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(3) elseif SelectedLocation == "Holy Gates Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(4) elseif SelectedLocation == "Angel Statue Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(5) elseif SelectedLocation == "Harp Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(6) elseif SelectedLocation == "Blessed Book Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(7) elseif SelectedLocation == "Throne Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(8) end end end) local MainSection = Main:NewSection("Moon Managers") MainSection:NewToggle("Auto Buy Managers", "When you get enough money", function(moonmanager) moonToggleState = moonmanager if moonToggleState then getgenv().moon = true spawn(function() while getgenv().moon do wait() local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local hq for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "MoonHQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.MoonHQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq then for i = 1, 8 do local args = {i} moonfunction(hq, args) end end end end) else getgenv().moon = false end end) MainSection:NewDropdown("Manager Buy", "Select which manager you want to buy.", {"Rover Stand Manager","Observatory Manager","Black Hole Manager", "Solar System Manager", "Missile Launcher Manager", "Greenhouse Manager", "Defence System Manager", "Launchpad Manager"}, function(SelectedLocation) local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local hq for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "MoonHQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.MoonHQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq then local hq2 = workspace.MoonHQs[hq].FactoryFunction.M2 if SelectedLocation == "Rover Stand Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(1) elseif SelectedLocation == "Observatory Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(2) elseif SelectedLocation == "Black Hole Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(3) elseif SelectedLocation == "Solar System Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(4) elseif SelectedLocation == "Missile Launcher Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(5) elseif SelectedLocation == "Greenhouse Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(6) elseif SelectedLocation == "Defence System Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(7) elseif SelectedLocation == "Launchpad Manager" then hq2:InvokeServer(8) end end end) local Rebirth = Window:NewTab("Rebirth") local RebirthSection = Rebirth:NewSection("Earth Rebirth") RebirthSection:NewButton("Rebirth", "Will rebirth", function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("R"):FireServer("MOGwtg-=u39-TGJ3-yj3NMY", "R36") end) RebirthSection:NewToggle("Auto Rebirth", "Auto rebirth", function(state) if state then _G.RebirthAuto = true while _G.RebirthAuto == true do wait() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("R"):FireServer("MOGwtg-=u39-TGJ3-yj3NMY", "R36") end else _G.RebirthAuto = false end end) local Crates = Window:NewTab("Crates") local CratesSection = Crates:NewSection("Earth Crates") CratesSection:NewDropdown("Crate Buyer", "Select which crate you want to buy.", {"Chain Crate-10 Gems","Luxury Crate-2.5K Gems","100K Earth Crate-100K Gems", "50M Crowns Exclusive Crate-50M Crowns"}, function(SelectedLocation) if SelectedLocation == "Chain Crate-10 Gems" then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("CrateRE"):FireServer("Chain Crate", 8.5) elseif SelectedLocation == "Luxury Crate-2.5K Gems" then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("CrateRE"):FireServer("Luxury Crate", 8.5) elseif SelectedLocation == "100K Earth Crate-100K Gems" then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("CrateRE"):FireServer("100k Earth Crate", 8.5) elseif SelectedLocation == "50M Crowns Exclusive Crate-50M Crowns" then game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("CrateRE"):FireServer("50M Crowns Exclusive Crate", 8.5) end end) local AutoWork = Window:NewTab("Auto Work") local AutoWorkSection = AutoWork:NewSection("Earth Auto Work") local earthAutoWorkToggleState = false local function executeAutoWork(workNumber) local hq = "" local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "HQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.HQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq ~= "" then local clickedEvent = workspace.HQs[hq].Clicked clickedEvent:FireServer("SW", workNumber) end end AutoWorkSection:NewToggle("Auto Work All", "Automatically performs all Earth works", function(state) earthAutoWorkToggleState = state if earthAutoWorkToggleState then spawn(function() while earthAutoWorkToggleState do wait() for i = 1, 9 do executeAutoWork(i) end end end) end end) local AutoWorkSection = AutoWork:NewSection("Heaven Auto Work") local heavenAutoWorkToggleState = false local function heavenAutoWork(workNumber) local hq = "" local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "HeavenHQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.HeavenHQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq ~= "" then local clickedEvent = workspace.HeavenHQs[hq].Clicked clickedEvent:FireServer("SW", workNumber) end end AutoWorkSection:NewToggle("Auto Work All", "Automatically performs all Heaven works", function(heavenwork) heavenAutoWorkToggleState = heavenwork if heavenAutoWorkToggleState then spawn(function() while heavenAutoWorkToggleState do wait() for i = 1, 9 do heavenAutoWork(i) end end end) end end) local AutoWorkSection = AutoWork:NewSection("Moon Auto Work") local moonAutoWorkToggleState = false local function moonAutoWork(workNumber) local hq = "" local playerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name for i = 1, 6 do local hqName = "MoonHQ" .. i local ownerName = workspace.MoonHQs[hqName].Settings.OwnerName.Value if ownerName == playerName then hq = hqName break end end if hq ~= "" then local clickedEvent = workspace.MoonHQs[hq].Clicked clickedEvent:FireServer("SW", workNumber) end end AutoWorkSection:NewToggle("Auto Work All", "Automatically performs all Moon works", function(moonwork) moonAutoWorkToggleState = moonwork if moonAutoWorkToggleState then spawn(function() while moonAutoWorkToggleState do wait() for i = 1, 9 do moonAutoWork(i) end end end) end end)